Master Wu/Merlock 2.0 headcanon

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Alright so maybe Ninjago and Knighton are pareal realms like the Cursed Realm and Djinjago (S6 of Ninjago it states that The Cursed real and Djinjago are parral realms). Maybe Sensei Wu  used to use the realm crystal to go to diffrent realms and met with Merlock. Then, they became friends but once the First Spinjeztu Master died, they never saw each other again. So Merlock is aware of Ninjago and Sensei is aware of Knighton, but they wont tell the Ninja/Knights for some reason. I dont know what this reason could be. Or maybe they forgot about each other?? Maybe when Sensei was in his teens years (since garamdon went to go with chen) he found the realm crystal and went to Knighton.

That is my headcanon. What do you think?

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