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For those of you who dont know, today is 9/11. Now, if you dont live in the states or just dont know about it I'll tell you

9/11 is when 4 planes got highjacked by terrorists. Those terriosts hit the 2 twin towers in new York, The Pentagon and a felid in Pensavania (I think) Many MANY people died

There. Now you know what 9/11 is if you didnt already know. 

Today marks tragdey for many. Many lost people that were important to them. Im sorry if you did. I wasnt alive at the time so I dont think I lost anyone important. But if you did *hands you stuff to make you feel better*

Side note: Today I got 5th and 6th periods mixed up so I had to bare 6th period twice. That wouldnt be so bad if I didnt have a sub. Also, wE HAD A FUCKING TEST IN 5TH PERIOD AND I MISSED IT. IT WAS A CFA. THAT IS A EXTERMLY IMPORTANT TEST IN MY SCHOOL.


OKay now that that is done, Back to 9/11!!! 

I wish I could be happy bout this but, this is a big deal in the US. So, if you experinced it or lost a loved one to it, *throws you some ice cream and some stuff animals.* 


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