Chapter 38-Escaping the Castle

Start from the beginning

The atmosphere had totally changed and all of a sudden the castle became dark and eerie.

"So, you think I will just allow you to leave the castle?" he shouted, clearly upset and the rage in his voice building, "You are at home! You have no business in the outside world!"

What on Earth is he talking about? Why does he sound like I'm a prisoner here? He's been extremely unreasonable and a bit erratic.

He stood up and began walked menacingly towards me as I stepped back in shock and fear.

"What did I say that was so wrong?"I asked confused.

Before I could stop him, he grabbed my shoulders fiercely and shook me like a rag doll.

I was not about to back down from Raymond and I was not about to have my husband shut me up into submission.

"Why can't I go out with my baby?" I asked upset as I threw my hands in the air in frustration.

"It is still snowing! Ariel will have enough time to play in the snow when she is older and she'll see cities at some point in her life!" He shouted and anger was clearly written all over his face.

"She's my baby too. I know what's best for my baby and also for myself!" I argued with my husband.

"You think that you know best? You're only thinking about yourself so you can just forget about leaving!" Raymond shouted and stormed out of his study, but me being adamant in having things my way, I followed him with my arms folded.

"I am still talking to you!" I said pulling his arm as I caught him in the hallway.

"Kyra! I've worked too hard for you to ruin my plans. You are not taking my daughter anywhere out of this castle and you are not allowed to leave either!" he said in a threatening tone.

What plans? What on Earth is Raymond talking about? I was now enraged at his outburst and I felt resentment against my husband.

"Are you trying to threaten me? You're going to treat Ariel the same way you're treating me you kidnapping jerk!" I shouted loudly and full of venom.

Dead silence filled the castle walls and it was as if time stood still for a split second.

I don't know why I called him a 'kidnapping' jerk, but I saw rage consume him and it felt as if I was staring the devil right in the face. I whimpered in fear as I could no longer recognise the man standing in front of me. Before I could realise what was happening, I felt his large hand connect with my face as he gave me a hard slap, knocking me off my feet.

I fell with a loud thud on the floor and tears began running down my face uncontrollably. I was beyond shocked and felt black spots blurring my vision, causing me to see stars. I could not believe Raymond had just hit me. He knocked me with so much force and I tried to get up but I felt disoriented and without warning, I blacked out on the floor.

I don't know how long I was unconscious for, but when I awoke, it was dark in the castle as it was night and apparently, not one maid had turned the lights on. I guess they must have heard Raymond and I fighting and were too scared to come to this floor in fear of what he would have done.

I had never seen Raymond act this violent before. He had transformed into the devil himself before my eyes.

I could no longer stay in the same room as Raymond. I was going to remove my stuff from our room and go back to my old bedroom before we got married. I got to my old room on the third floor and as soon as I entered the room, I felt giddy and stumbled to the ground and my head began to pound terribly. I held my head in pain as the throbbing in my head got worse. It felt as if loads of information was being forced into my brain causing me to feel dizzy. My heart began to beat faster and I began to suffer from shortness of breath. The room began swivelling and then the throbbing stopped abruptly.

I gasped in shock, clutching my chest. Was I dreaming? What was going on? Please tell me this is some sick prank.

I closed my eyes shut and opened it again and I was still here.

It all came back to me and I began to cry. I remembered everything now.

Raymond had kidnapped me! He killed Lisa! I can't believe I got married to that jerk.

My baby is not safe in this castle and neither am I! I cannot believe I had been so brainwashed by Raymond. He lied to me and took advantage of my memory loss. He made me believe we were madly in love when in reality, I despised him with all my heart. I held my head in disbelief. I had to act quick before Raymond came back from wherever he was.

I ran upstairs to our bedroom and began packing like a frantic woman, throwing a few important clothing items in a bag. I ran to my baby's room to ensure that she was safe. Luckily for me, baby Ariel was sleeping soundly in her crib. I quickly put a winter jacket on her and her booties as although we were in March, it was still below negative degrees in Canada. I packed diapers, clothing items for Ariel and other baby stuff.

It took me half an hour to pack all our bags. I carried our belongings to the car first. I then ran upstairs to take my little princess who was still sound asleep. I carried her downstairs and put her in the back where her baby car seat was, buckling her tightly and giving her a kiss on her forehead as tears brimmed in my eyes as I was extremely scared.

I held enough money so I was sure everything would be fine. I got into the driver's seat of my car and drove swiftly out of the castle grounds, not looking back.


It's been a while since I have posted. I know!

Are you scared for Kyra? I know I am.

Let me know what you think will happen next.

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