she's with him? Ch11

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That's the story of my life chapter 11

She's with him?

Lannie's pov-

I went to school and things went just fine. I talked to Alice a little. At lunch I saw that Alice and Cody where sitting together. They'd saved me a spot but I wasn't going to sit with them today. I had other places to be.

I went to find Jacob. He was sitting with a couple of his friends at the end of the cafateria. When he saw me he waved me over and I sat down by him. He gave me a peck on the cheek. I smiled at him and remembered last night.

-Flash back-

I was so tired that after I got off the phone I went to sleep imediently. A hour later I was woke up by something hitting my window. It was a pebble. Then another one. I got up to see who it was and it was a guy throwing pebbles at my window. I opened the window and was about to tell him to go away. Then I saw that it was Jacob.

""Hey can I come up?" he wispered.

"Sure" I said "I'll open the door."

I went down stairs quitly so I didn't wake anyone up. I wonder what he wasnts it's like so late and I'm tired.

"Hey" I said when I got down to the door. He was already there and he followed me up to my room. When we got there he lounged back on my bed. I went over and sat down by him.

"So did you just decide to drop by or something" I asked.

"Yeah umm I wanted to ask you something." he said.

"And what did you decide you needed to ask me at 1 o'clock in the morning?" I asked.

"Well I didn't really plan this well I'll atmet that much but I was thinking about something and I just had to know the awnser." he said. When I didn't say any thing he continued. " Well I was wondering if you would like to be my girl friend. I know it's soon. You just broke up with your last boyfriend."

"Yeah. I'll be your girlfriend." I said.

He smiled and then said."ok". Then he leaned over and kissed me.

He got up went down stairs and left.

-Flash back over-

-Alice's pov-

Where is she going? She was suposed to sit by Cody and I today. She isn't over it.

Omg she's sitting with that neighbor guy. Umm what was his name? Jacob. Oh yeah Jacob that's it.

"Well I guess Lannie isn't sitting with us today." I told Cody.

"Oh. Where's she sitting then?" he asked.

"With her neighbor." I said.

-Cody's pov-

I looked over were Alice was lookiing and I saw Lannie sitting with a group of guys. I didn't know any of them. They were all pretty big guys though. One of them had his arm around her. That must be the neighbor Alice was talking about.

Oh well I thought.

Then I leaned over and kissed Alice.


So how did everyone like it???


Thanks for reading!

;) itaikitty

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