the date ch-9

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That's the story of my life chapter 9

The date

Cody's pov-

My parents aren't home so I was thinking that Alice could come spend some time at my house for part of our date. The rest will be perfict and I know she'll love it.

Alice's pov-

Oh wow I wonder where Cody is taking me. I'm so excited! I forgive him for what he did to me. For everything.

So I put on a casual dress that zips up the back. With some heels. Then I did my make up nicely and was ready to go with 15 minutes to spare.

Cody arived and walked me to his truck. He opened the door and helped me get in. He looked so good today. When we started driving I asked "Where are we going?"

He said "It's a suprises, just wait and see."

"Ok" I sighed.

Then we pulled up to my favoret restraunt of all time. We ate dinner and talked only a little bit. Cody payed for the bill and we got back into his truck. I thought that was the end of our date but then he pulled up to the movie theater. We got to watch eclipce! While we where in the movies I thought, this is such a perfict date.

The movie was amazing. We even kissed a little! Then I was really suprised when we went to his house. I've only been in Cody's house a couple of times. It's pretty big. We went up to his room.

"Are you having fun?" he asked

"Yeah! This is so perfict!" l said.

He leaned forward and said "I'm glad you liked it." Then he kissed me. Our kiss deepened and he layer me down gentle on his bed. My head was spinning. He kissed down my neck and then slowly reached under me and unzipped my dress. I didn't complain. Then he took off my dress and started kissing my chest. His hands were everywhere. He took off his pants and his shirt. Pretty soon we were naked. Then he kissed me again and said in a husky voice "Are you ready?"

"Yeah" I replyed. Ready for what? I didn't know. Then he slipped something around his guy part and I knew what he was talking about. I wasn't ready for this. I was about to get up when he lowered himself back down. He got posioned and slipped in me. I started to cry. He was rocking slowly and kissing me softly. It hurt so bad. He was so big.


After we were done we layed in Cody's bed for awhile. Then we got dressed and Cody took me home.


Tell me what you think!!!!

Sorry to keep everyone waging so long.

;) itaikitty

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