suspention ch-6

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That's the story of my life chapter 6

- Suspention-

Lannie's pov-

Well when I got home my mom was mad. She said "You shouldn't fight over boys they'll come and go." and then she left.

Well at least I don't have to be at school. So I got in my car and went to get a smoothy at smoothy freeze.

When I got to the smoothy place I ordered a bannana cream one. I sat down and ate part of it. It was a little past 3 o'clock and Cody's car pulled up. He came inside and didn't even notice I was there. I heard him order blueberry. Eww I thought. I hate blueberry.

After he ordered he turned around to find a place to sit. I just acted like I hadden't seen him come in. Then I guess he saw me. So pretty soon he was sitting right across from me.

I looked up at him and said "Hey"

He said "Hey" back to me.

Then after a few minutes I said "I got to go." and I got up and left. I just couldn't take the akward scilence. I didn't really feel like talking either.

Cody's pov-

So after I sat down acrosss from her she said "I got to go." and she just got up and left.

Ok then. She was probaly just busy. I let it slide and continued to eat my bluberry smoothy. Man it was good.

I was excited about taking her on a date Friday night. I just hope she doesn't find out inhad already made the reservations for me and Alice before we broke up. I also hope Alice doesn't show up there. But I mean why would she, she doesn't even have a reservation. I've never been to the place before but I hear the food is really good. Kinda pricy but good.

Alice's pov-

I can't belive I got kicked out of school for the rest of the week. This is going to go on my school record. Oh no! My parents are going to flip when the find out.

I guess I have to tell them though. So I went down stairs to the living room. My mom was there I told her and she lectured me and took my phone away for a month.

Well if that's all I got that's good. I went over to Cara's house to see what she was doing.

Cara's pov-

So I was just hanging out at my house. I thought about calling Jason but didn't get around to it. That's when I heard a knock at the door. I opened it and saw Alice. Oh dear I try to be nice to her but she is anoying.

"Oh hey Alice. " I said.

"Hey how's suspention? I got bored so i decided to hand with you for a while." Alice said.

"Wonderful" I said. Oh great! I knew I should've called Jason now I have to spend the rest of my day with this girl.

"So what do you want to do?" I ask her.

"I don't know. What ever you want. I guess." she said.

Ok then. That was sooooo helpful "Do you want to go to the mall?" I ask.

"Umm sure that sounds good." she said.

So we went to the mall. After we had visited a couple of shops. We met a hot guy. Alice started talking with him and he offered to take her back to her house. She looked at me with a hopeful exspresion on her face.

So I said "Ok I have to go now any way."

Translation- thank goodness I don't have to spend another minute with her. I pity that guy.

Then I practicly ran to my car. I think I'll go see Jason. I went over to his house and we talked for awhile. Then he said he wanted to take me on a suprises date on friday. I'm so excited. I had to go home after that.

The next couple of days went by in a blur. I hunge out with Alice one day and then Jason at night. I went to the mall and an aquarium.

Alice's pov-

I met an hot senior at the mall. He drove me home and then I ask him if he wanted to go out with me on Friday. He said sure and I told him he could pick the place.

He said he would pick me up around 5 at my house.

I'm so excited. He seems like a nice guy!

Lannie pov-

Cody is every where I go. I really like him. I know he really likes me too. Every time we meet I have to leave though. Oh well I'm sure he understands.

Cody's pov-

I now run into Lannie every where I go. She always says oh I have to go every time I try to talk to her. At first I thought she really did have to go, but the more I ran into her the more i thought mabe she just doesn't want to spend time with me. I'm not sure how well this is working. I really liked her. Now, I'm not sure.


Well hope you all liked it! Who are your favorite characters???

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