008- Stay

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-Min Yoongi's POV-

I can't even touch her, can't cheer her up when she sad.

I'm very useless. "My baby I'm so sorry I can't be with you"

God please give me a chance to wipe her tears and cheer her up. Give me chance to hug her.

I stand up and wipe my tears that rolling down my cheeks.

When I walk to find Hwamin I bump with someone. It's very dark I can't even look at his face.

"Your works done right? Now time for you go" He step forwards.

And I really shock when look at his face. Someone I had meet before.

"You..." I just know him in this day, and I don't believe he's a grim reaper.

He smirk.

-end Yoongi's POV-

"Hey guys!" You wave at Taehyung and Jhope once you saw them standing beside the car.

"You use the toilet or you build it?" Taehyung insinuate you.

You just roll your eyes meanwhile Jhope giggles.

Without wasting any time you quickly get inside the car. Cause it's get to late now.

You don't want to be scold anyway.

Taehyung really struggle calling someone, and every 5 time him call that person, he or she didn't pick up the phone.

"Wtf? Where's this idiot been?" He's mumble.

"What's wrong with you?" I manage to ask.

"I'm calling my friend, tonight I will stay at his house"


And again his friend didn't pick up the phone once he call  his/her again. You sigh.

And prefer to him for stay at your house for one night.

For the first time he refuse and then he agree.

Once Jhope stop his car infornt of your house you get out and said "thank you"

Same goes to Taehyung. When you pass by your house gate, you turn back and see Taehyung still standing outside.

"Hey! Let's go"

He just shake his head mean "don't want"

He really not comfortable when around you by the way.

Once again you sigh and quickly walk towards him and pull him by hand. He just obey and follow you.

"Mom.. l-I have a friend.. he want to stay for——"

"Nah..Whatever just show him a guests room" she cut your words.

You just look down and pull Taehyung towards the guests room.

"Why your mom acting like that? Seems like she didn't like you"

You smile bitterly "uhm, she just not in mood"

"Oh" Taehyung didn't believe in you anyway cause he know there's something wrong in your family.


-next morning-

"Hwamin! You always being troublesome daughter" Taehyung wake up once he heard a noise.

It's between you and your mom.

He get up and when downstairs, but his step pause when he heard your mom scold you.

He hides at the stairs and heard everything.

"Ugh I better die than living with stupid daughter like you!"

Taehyung shock with your mom words and also shock when you cry.

He quickly went towards his room and close the door once he heard you rush going upstairs.

Then he can heard a loud slamming door at downstairs.

You rub your eyes that full of tears. Really don't get it, what is lacking inside you.

How would they said that you're useless. You did every house works.

You study hard and get the first place but still they keep saying that you're useless and stupid.

[A/N : Bitch you're so ungrateful, pity you *crying loud for that bitch*]

Am I an adopted child? But if I'm why would you guys treat me like this? What's my fault?

Taehyung quickly open the door and saw you crying.

You try to hide your face, cause it getting bad when you crying. Your eyes almost red and also your nose.

"Hye, are you okay?" He ask you.

"Ye-Yeah I'm okay" you answer him with a sob voice.

Suddenly you can feel there's a warm hug, when you look up you saw Taehyung is hugging you.

He stroke your hair with gentle "I know everything, don't you worry I will always be with you. I would like to stay by your side"

You shock but can feel that he really sincerely persuaded you.

I don't know what is this feelings? Every time I'm around him my heart beating fast. And I felt like... I'm in love

And finally you hug him back.

To be continued

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