Chapter six: THE PINK LETTER

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Riko's POV

"You-chan, what's wrong ?"

"Ahh, it's nothing, really" You gave me a big smile which made me looking away and blushing hard. You was silent when we were together at one table, she was looking down at her coffee while I was talking to the other Aqours members and Saint Snow member. I was sure that You was thinking about something that Chika and she discussed about, but....Chika wasn't silent at all, she talked a lot with us and gave also herself and Yoshiko a glass of beer, while Seira had a small glass of wine. I ordered from Dia a black tea, the tea was pretty good.

Chika's POV

I was a little bit drunk with Yoshiko, well...shit. I just hoped that Dia wouldn't hate me. Then I just realized that Riko talked with You with a worried look, and You just gave her a big smile, something's not okay. So I grabbed Riko's hand and told her that I had something for her, because I had completely forgot it.

"Hey hey Riko-chaaannn, I have something for you"

"Uwwaahhh Chika-chan, you smell like alcohol"

"Don't worry about it, here look", I grabbed the big black blanket that was hiding something big. I pushed the blanket away, and it was a piano, well I knew it, because I bought it.

"Sooo Riko-chan, wanna play something, because I think your love doesn't seem amused" I whispered to Riko with a big smirk, she just blushed and looked at me with an angry look.

"You-chan isn't my lover Chika-chan", Riko sat in front of the piano with a blushed face.

"But she will be in the future Riko-chan" I shouted, Riko threw the music notebook at me and I fell to the ground, I think I deserved that.

You's POV

Haaaa, that pink letter didn't escape my mind, I always thought about that when Chika told me about that lovely letter. Then I heard a sound, it was the sound of a piano, I looked at the way where the sound came from. Riko played a song, that anyone of us hadn't heard, it was beautiful, what a calm and lovely song. I stood up and went to Riko, but not really near, more like standing in front of Riko playing the piano.
Riko played with a lot of passion, the movements of her hands touching the piano. Her face, with such passion and a lot of emotions. A tear escaped my eye, but at the same moment, Riko played the piano with a lot of tears, RIKO WAS CRYING. I went fast behind her and grabbed her shoulders, she played slower and slower, then Riko stopped playing the piano. Riko held her hands on her face and cried hard.

"R-Riko-chan, are you okay ?"

"Y-You-chan......I sweared to myself to never play this song ever again, but I did"

"I didn't understand what you played there, was it from Aqours ?"

" was for a person that I loved, but I hadn't the courage to play it in front of her......I still love her", she cried a lot now. Everyone went silent and I just hugged her from behind, trying to comford her.

"Riko-chan, I didn't know who you still love, but I'm pretty sure, she would love it too, all the emotions and how you played it, she would love it" I said even if I knew her true feelings, I still wanted to comford her.
We sat down after Riko calmed down and talked again. This time it was lovely, but knowing that Riko created a song just for me, was really romantic. I really loved her much more.

Riko's POV

Oh what an embarassing timing, crying over something that I couldn't do in the past. Also I didn't give You the letter that I wrote for her

*past 8 years*

Hmm, I really loved her a lot that I didn't know how I should put it in sentences.

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