Chapter three: YOU'S FLASHBACK

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Riko's POV

You smiled at me "we're almost there, we have now to go", I got outside and You locked the car. I couldn't believe where we were, Uranohoshi, our old school.

"You-chan ? Why are we here ?"

"Just follow me Riko-chan, don't worry it's nothing bad, I promise"
So I followed her. We entered the school, thank godness that You got the key to unlock the school. You and I went from hallway to hallway, and there You stood and looked at me,
"Please enter Riko-chan"

"It's the"

"Yeah, the music room, please enter the music room"

"Yes", I entered the classroom, You too. You went to a desk and sat on it, with open legs. I went to her, but she said no,

"But why You-chan ?"

"Hey Riko....sit in front of the piano, and play 'Daisuki Dattara Daijobu' for me please"

"You....chan, I can't, you will-"

"I don't care Riko, just please, play it"

"....okay, I'll do it". I sat in front of the piano, and played what You ordered me.

You's POV

Ahhh Riko's fingers are playing the song on the piano, it reminds me when Aqours had at that time just 3 members. However the tragedy begann.

*before Aqours' disband*

"I'm pretty sure that a lot of people will see us on stage"

"Are you sure about that Chika-chan ?"

"Yes I'm sure about it"

"And why do we have to wear this outfits You-chan ?"

"So it could fit much more to the song Riko-chan", I smiled at her, she just blushed and said "I need to use the toilet", Riko ran away and left me and Chika alone. I sat on a chair with my hands on my head, Chika just stared at me and asked,

"You-chan, what's wrong ?"

"Haaa, it's nothing Chika-chan"

"You-chan, tell me the truth"

"Haaa, you know me too well Chika, but please promise me that you won't tell anyone about this ?"

"I'll promise you that I won't, I'm your childhood friend, so you can count on me"

"Thanks, it's just...", I saw the ground, tears fell as I knew that I would cry every moment.

"You-chan what's wrong, I'm worried about you"

"It's just....I'm in love"

"Oh that's great, when will you confess ?"

"And it's Riko-chan"
Chika's face went from a smile to an angry face.

"Why ?"

"Why what Chika ?"

"Why do you love her ?"

"It was love at the first sigh"
Riko came again and apologized that she took so long, Chika simply smiled again and said, that it's wasn't a problem. I had wiped my tears off, so Riko wouldn't notice that I cried for her. After she apologized, we got out and sang our song, 'Daisuki Dattara Daijobu'.

Then....Chika and I didn't talk about my confession or even about romance. When Aqours had 9 members, Chika and Riko pulled some distance from me, like Chika did that on purpose. That bitch...

Once we were working on that bar on the beach, at night-time, I heard how Chika and Riko went out. After they were out, I surely followed them. They went to the beach alone, why ? Then I saw Chika standing up and told something to Riko, Riko also stood up and...she hugged Chika. They held then hands and I saw from Riko's lips forming 'I love you'. After that, I went back, and pretended to sleep.

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