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You's POV

Shit, I couldn't believe. It was Riko-chan, for real ? And I have to take care of her as a teacher. Riko and I went outside and we didn't speak all the way to the hall, which were the entrance ceremony. I sat next to one of my "workers", well I sat next to the other PE teachers, Riko sat to the other new teachers.

Meanwhile at the entrance ceremony someone spoke. She should be the director, but looked like a student, a third grade student, because of the uniform. She could be Mari and Kanan's child from her appeareance.
The girl said something about the school, greeted the students and told who would be whoms homeroom teacher. I'm not a homeroom teacher, who would chose a PE teacher as homeroom teacher ?
However Riko was one this year, she has 3 classes, the same classes as I have, damn.

After the ceremony, I had to go with Riko, because the other teachers had told me to take care of her and to see, if she's doing her job as music teacher well. So I followed her in the classroom.
I looked at her, even if she's not a teenager anymore, she looks so sexy and elegant, I can't believe that I still love her for 8 years.

"Uhhmm Watanabe-sensei ?"

"Eehhh y-yes ?"

"Why you stare at me and look so annoyed ?"


"B-but Watanabe-sen-"

"Go at the classroom you have to go, I'll pay a visit later", with my orders, I'll run as I got nervous. Finally I reached the smoking room, took my cigarette out and light it.
I'm one of the only teachers and students who smokes.
I feel depressed again and broken. I looked at the grey ceiling, I had so many thoughts.
The girl I'm in love became a teacher too and works at the same school as I do. Why is she doing this to me ? Sakurauchi Riko, at the same age as me.

"I can feel how my love deepens, Riko-chan, I still love you", I said, still looked at the grey ceiling with the smoke of my cigarette in the air. A tear fell to the ground, it's been so long that I've felt the urge to cry and to hold someone I love.

I was almost 6 hours at the smoking room to calm myself. I headed to the classroom, I wondered if she would be there after I were so long in that room. I opened the classroom doors, she was still there. She sat at the table, even if she sat at the table, she looked elegant and sexy at the same time, her appeareance looked so inviting. However I stared at her, shocked.

"O-oh, did you wait for me ?"

"Yes, you told me that you would come here, so I waited"

"But it's so late, why didn't you go home ?"

"As I said Watanabe-sensei, I waited for you". She came near and near, I started to look away, why she did this ?

"Watanabe-sensei ?"

"Y-yes ?" I looked at her, now I could see her in her eyes.

"Why did you cry ?"

"E-eh ? I didn't cry at all"

"Please, don't lie to me sensei"

"Riko.....-chan ?"

"Yes You-chan ?"

"D-do you still remember me ?"

"Yes, I do", with her reply, I started to cry again and I hugged her tightly. My cries were loud, I better should thank myself to close the door. My legs started to feel numb, I kneeled to the ground, so did Riko.

"I MISSED YOU RIKO-CHAN", I shouted, I didn't care if I scared her with my loud voice. I still cried, I felt then a hand on my hair, it was Riko's hand.
Her hands are soft, like in the past 8 years, the soft hands of a pianist.

"I missed you too, You-chan".

After I calmed myself I went home. I drove with my car home, Riko wanted to take the bus, Riko doesn't own a car, nor did she own a driving licence.
I put my PE teacher uniform to the ground, I will wash it later. I'm so tired and lie to my bed, I sleep imidiately on my bed.
Thank godness that this day was a Friday.

AAA, I'm trying my best to write this fanfic as good a I can to make you guys happy TvT/

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