"Perdonami. Per favore, svegliati."

*Forgive me. Please, wake up.*

I didn't hear whatever he said before but it seems his words hold sadness. In this moment, watching him leaning over his cousin with a broken look on his face I can tell he cares for him. He discretely wipes a tear away and looks up while clearing his throat.

"Amber." He stops and thinks before speaking.

"I already apologized but I hope you know I meant it. I also want to thank you. I regret what I have done but it has helped me. I was losing myself in alcohol, drugs and women. That night, it made me think of what I was doing with my life. I promise I am not a bad man and you helped me turn back into the person my father raised. I do not expect you to trust me but I wanted you to know all this. I am fighting. I still have a lot to do but I am trying." I remember he was drunk that night and he does seem different somehow. Now that I think about it he did seem a little worn out the last time I saw him and now he looks healthier. I still don't trust him completely but I can see the hope and sincerity in his eyes.

"Thank you for sharing that with me Angelo. You're right, I don't trust you but I can if you give me reasons to." I smile and he grins.

"You are truly as kind as everyone says. An angel in a cruel world. You even managed to help me. Do not let this change you, please. Do not lose yourself." He signals to Ale and then looks back.

"You aren't the first person to say that but I've promised to myself that I won't let that happen." We smile at each other. He walks up and opens his arms.

"May I?" I close the distance between him and return the hug. There are people that just need someone to believe in them.

"I am here to serve you and protect you like everyone else." I smile at his promise.

"Thank you." We let go and just as we do, the door opens and both Nico and Antonio walk in. Nicholas looks at the short distance between us and stiffens before looking up at me. I shake my head and smile and he seems to relax, understanding that I'm fine.

"Well, let's go to the office then." I decide to speak and the rest agree with me. We make our way out and walk over to the office to discuss whatever important matter brought Antonio here. Once we do we all take a seat.

"One of my reasons for coming was to see my nephew but I have something to say that is very important. Amber, you understand that Alessandro is the highest form of power for us but there are others who also hold power. They are not happy with you taking Alessandro's place. They accepted it but now that they know he might...not make it, they are getting impatient. I do not agree but they are older men of more 'traditional' thinking. They believe a woman is not fit to be capo. They want Nicholas to take his place. I came to evaluate Alessandro's health. I will try to reason with them but I can not promise you much. I will ask them to give us until the end of this month and if Alex is not awake...you must marry Nicholas and he must be the new Capo." Nicholas practically jumps out of his seat.

"No. He's alive and as long as he is, they can't do this. They want to play by their stupid rules? Fine! But the rules state that a permanent replacement can only be made if the current Capo wants it or if he's dead, so they can't! Not as long as he's breathing! He's fighting to come back! If he wasn't, he would already be gone! Anyone else wouldn't have survived and that just proves that he's meant to stay as Capo!" Nicholas is seething. He's bright red and I have never seen him so angry. He's always so calm and collected that I can't even recognize him right now.

Saving the Mafia Boss (BOOK 2)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora