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Tsuna stopped walking as his HI spiked. There was a soft bang. A bullet flew past his nose. A loud crack followed.

He swung his head to the right and upwards. The sniper was in a tree.

Tsuna jumped backwards. The bullet embedded itself into the ground once again.

There was a muttered word and the pulse in Tsuna's head was gone. He clicked his tongue in annoyance. Honestly, this person was getting annoying with how he suddenly kept disappearing.


Korosensei stood outside of the E-Class building, looking out over the mountain.

'Tests are splendid. The knowledge soaked up by their eager ears in preparation may be forgotten once the dust has settled, but c'est la vie. The thrill of competition, the privilege of honing one's mind to a fine point, the ecstasy of giving it your all, that is the true treasure.'


Korosensei peered at the test questions. "Oh my, these are excellent questions. Kudos to them I'm impressed. This isn't just some regular classic literature clearing. The students are asked to take infamous 20th century text and correct a misquoted passage. And Salinger no less! He wrote in a style reflective of his 20th century angsty protagonist's voice."

"Yes, hopefully the class was paying attention...These are some difficult questions. But they should be fine," Tsuna commented.


Gakushuu Asano smiled as he took one copy of the test and passed the rest to the person behind him. 'Mathematics, Akabane's a member of E-Class isn't he? He placed second on the mid-terms, right below me. Quite an accomplishment for an E-Class slacker. Commendable, but not intimidating. You see, I am anything but a slacker.'

In the back of the classroom, Karma smirked. 'Oh, how cute. Look at everyone all so panicked. All so hell bent on not screwing up. The key to true victory is how not to take the game so...seriously. It doesn't matter how hard your opponent works if you're better than them. This should be fun.'


Nagisa kept his face neutral as he rapidly scribled in answers.
'Two days of testing. Two days of putting everything on the line. Everything we're trying to do lives or dies by how we do here.'


Tsuna smiled as he looked at over the grades. Rio Nakamura placed 1st in English, Yuma Isogai placed 1st in Social Studies, and Monomi Okuda placed 1st in Science. Three tentacles that E-Class would get to shoot off from them.

Plus, E-Class won the bet. 3-2 out of the five main subjects.

Tsuna grinned as he saw the results for Home Economics. They had done well...This was going to be fun.


Karma crumpled up his test results. He had done horribly by last test's standards. 10th in math, 13th in Year 3 overall.

"Never underestimate your target," Korosensei advised. Karma grimaced.

The octopus smiled. "Particularly, if it has a monopoly on grades point averages. The best scores in E-Class went to Kataoka and Takebayashi. Both admirably tied for seventh place. Not surprising, they studied hard. And of course, so did your opponents in A-Class, which us to be expected. These finals were nothing to sneeze at. One's only chance was to study."

"What are you trying to say Teach?" Karma tiredly asked.

Korosensei grinned. "Someone thought they could coast by on luck and a devil may care attitude. And, proceeded to royally screw it up."

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