Truly desperate

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'The government is desperate,' Tsuna mused as he walks down a government hallway. The brunette was going in as a mafia affiliated hitman.

For a 'the Japanese government needs help, and will release prisoners for your help,' to be sent out...It must be world-threatening to reach this point.

With that wonderful thought Tsunayoshi walked into the meeting room.

A thinly haired man clasped his hands together on top of a desk that was presumably his, a black haired man sat in a chair to Tsuna's right. A brunette who was at least a decade older then Tsuna stood by the window, his back to the door.

"Are you Yoshie Tsunayoshi?" The man behind the desk asked.

"Yes, I am. It's a pleasure to meet you." Tsuna said, flashing a smile at the man.

The man nodded. "A pleasure to meet you as well. I have heard..good things about you. I am Yamamato Rico. And this is Karasuma Tadaomi, a teacher for E Class."

"I am Asano Gakuho, the chairman of the Kunugigaoka  Junior High School." The reddish brunette said, he fixed Tsuna with an impressive look for a chairman. Unfortunately for the chairman, Reborn has a drastically more deadly aura.

Karasuma stood and shook hands with Tsunayoshi. Both noted the strength of each other. The wary respect the two had for each other was firmly cemented.

"However much we want to place more agents and assassins in, the students need to be taught adequately as per the agreements of the deal. The question is what you will teach them?" Yamamoto interrupted the subtle strength contest between the agent and disguised don.

Something he's good at that he could teach? With his tutor he could teach anything but..."I see. Is home economics available?" Tsunayoshi asks.

"You wish to teach home economics?" Yamamato asks with a raised eyebrow.

"If it is a available, yes."

"Well then, I do believe the home economics teaching position for E Class is empty, Mr. Asano?" The government man turned his head in the principal's general direction.

"Yes, it is. " The  man responded calmly. "Do you have any proficiency at cooking?" Asano questioned.

"I was trained by a chef in Italy. And I found that I enjoy it." Tsuna answered without delay. Reborn had erm, requested the service of top chefs from around the world to teach his student. Especially when it was found out by his tutor that he had a talent for cooking.

"Would you be fine with a trial period, Mr. Yoshie?"

"I would, thank you." Tsunayoshi responded gratefully. Naturally, both the Japanese government and the school would be cautious of hiring a hitman to teach.

"Thank you for your time, Mr. Yoshie." Yamamoto nodded once in approval towards the young brunette. His word signaled that the interview was at an end. The government man stood up and shook hands with Tsunayoshi.

"You're welcome, it was my pleasure. Have a wonderful day." Tsunayoshi replied, he inclined his head towards the three men before he left.

"What do you think about him?"

Thanks to Ghosty-and-Cloud and Mirai2Haruka, wolflove10000, LeeChoiAngel, and 01DraconisMalf0y10 (I think that's everyone, sorry if I missed you).

I'll try to upload another chapter two-four weeks.

Next up:The man, the legend....the Principle


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