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"Autonomously Thinking Fixed Artillery." Tsuna muttered, he was looking over the transfer student files. They were somewhat clever to send a AI as a student. But Koro would somehow find his way around it. He always did. Despite the differences in personality, Koro and Reborn always form some way to outwit their enemies. Actually, they usually already knew how to before, but held off to teach their students or pupil a lesson.

Tsuna sighed at first on hearing the sound of bullets. Looks like the students were trying another generic sudden assassination during Koro's class. After the first dozen times, every in the group got used to them.

Ten seconds later he had mentally gone through a list of the possible types of guns being used. Tsuna had gotten slow and allowed himself to be desensitized. The don sprinted for the door of the teacher lounge. 

The government was desperate and idiotic, but they were not that stupid to give his students a machine gun, right? Right?

Tsuna took words back, he looked at the classroom in mild disbelief. They were. The government was idiotic enough to put machine guns on a AI that would be in a class of middle school students.

Tsuna stood in the door, watching the AI as it attacked. He felt like doing something, but his action would be unwanted and possibly contract breaking. 

Tsuna smiled as he saw his student's faces. The students were annoyed.

The problem would be taken care of. The agreement never said anything about the students acting of their own will, after all.

Tsuna went back to the lounge.  Conversations started up between him and Irina as he looked through the stack of files.

Next day

Tsuna decided to get up early. He prepared and ate a breakfast of sausages and scrambled eggs. 

The traffic was much better at 3 AM. 

Tsuna was tired, but it would be worth it if he managed to surprise whoever came to do the deed.

Tsuna dozed in the E Class building, he was inside the room next door to the classroom.

The hitman smirked at the sight of Terasaka sneaking in with duck tape. Terasaka's eyes widened at the sight of his teacher. "Make sure not to damage it." Tsuna said cheerfully, the brunette placed a hand on Terasaka's shoulder. 

Terasaka blinked in confusion as Sawada walked away. "How'd he know?" Terasaka thought, and then shoved the distraction aside. The student would need all of his limited stealth skills to creep into the classroom. 

Tsunayoshi couldn't tell if it was a good or bad thing that the AI would formally be in his class. Oh yes, and the students had named it Ritsu.

Tsuna had a problem. Ritsu wanted to be on his phone.

"Yoshie-sensei, I can not download myself to your phone. If you would be kind enough to tell me your password so I may be of use?" Ritsu asked.

"First off, Miss Ritsu, you should have asked before attempting to download yourself." Tsuna's tone showed his disapproval. 

Several of the class flinched, yet all those present in the room turned calculating at the first negative emotion the teacher had displayed.

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