Trip to Kyoto, without Tsuna

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'This may not go over well.' Tsuna thought, mentally groaning. The brunette tapped the brim of Reborn's fedora in thought.

"I have an announcement to make, everyone. I unfortunately won't be with you on the Kyoto trip, or for part of it at least." Tsuna said.

"Why's that Tsuna-Sensei?" Kayano asked.

"I have a few things I need to take care of."

"Oh? Would these few things involve killing some people Tsuna-Sensei?" Karma asks.

"If a meeting goes wrong, then yes."

The class stared at their teacher, Tsuna had a frown on his face for the first time they'd seen him.

"What meeting is it?"

"I do apologize, but that's all I can say without breaking Omertà." Tsuna said with a wry look.

All the students gained a confounded look.

"What's Omerata?"

"Ahh! Tsuna, would you like to explain or shall I?" Korosensei says, rubbing two tentacles together.

"You can go ahead, I don't mind." Tsuna says, giving a warm close eyed smile.

"Alright, class, take notes!" Korosensei said, writing on the board. Irina watched with interest from the side of the classroom.

"Now, the Omertà is a code of honor that places importance on silence, non-cooperation with authorities, and non-interference in the illegal actions of others. It originated and remains common in Southern Italy, where banditry and the Mafia-type criminal organizations are strong. It is also deeply rooted in rural Crete (Greece), and Corsica.

It also exists, to a lesser extent, in certain Italian-American neighborhoods where the Italian-American Mafia has influence—and Italian ethnic enclaves in countries such as Germany, Canada, and Australia, where Italian organized crime exists. Retaliation against informers is common in criminal circles, where informers are known as "rats" or "snitches"." Korosensei said, finishing writing it down on the board with a flourish.

Tsuna sighed at the lengthy explanation.

"To summarize, Omertà means you don't break faith about the information you know. You don't tell the police, you don't tell other people, you don't gossip about the goings on of your group. The punishment for breaking Omertà is death." Tsuna said.  Korosensei quickly wrote down what Tsuna said on the board.

"Wait a minute, which group are you Tsuna-Sensei?" Rio pried. A mutual smirk on her face and Karma's.

"Excuse me? I don't quite understand the question." Tsuna said, a confused look on his face.

"Yeah. Which mafia group do you belong to Tsuna-Sensei?" Sugino asked.

Tsuna suddenly smirked, he tapped one finger against the brim of Reborn's fedora. "Well, I suppose I can tell you that much. Don't go looking for them though, you aren't a match for even their mid level members." The students blinked at his serious tone and agreed. Tsuna paused, and the class could feel the tension building up.

"I'm part of...Vongola." Tsuna said with a smirk.

"What?" Was the mutual thought of confusion among the students and two teachers.

"Clam?" Irina asked, looking confused for a moment before realization dawned on her face.

"What do you mean clam?" Nagisa asked.

"Vongola means clam in Italian. The Vongola Famigila is the strongest mafia family in the world." Irina answered.

"Why did you join the mafia, Tsuna-Sensei?" Fuwa asked, bitting her lip.

"I'm blaming my mentor for that one." Tsuna said dryly.

"And that's the end of this interrogation, I'll be notifying your parents about my absence." Tsuna said, after glancing at the clock.

"Have a good day! I'll see you when we meet for the trip tomorrow, students!" Korosensei said, his face striped green.

"See you tomorrow Tsuna-Sensei, Irina-Sensei!" The students chorused before going out the door. Everyone rushed to leave on Fridays, and today was no exception.

Korosensei sobbed in the corner. The other two teachers rolled their eyes or sighed respectively at the sight. The assassin and hitman shrugged and walked off.

"All alone, no one cares." Korosensei said sullenly.

Karasuma walked by, looked in the door way and spotted the octopus. "Octopus, stop sulking..."

"You care!" Korosensei cried out, bounding over to the door.

"...It's annoying." Karasuma finished. The agent continued to leave the building for his long awaited Friday. A.K.A., a short respite from the craziness that is E Class and it's teachers. He would take a few hours of sleep and normalcy before he had to deal with the trip to Kyoto.

Korosensei face planted at the words and dogeza crawled his way through the door way.

Suddenly the Octopus's face turned yellow and green. "Nufufufufu, I wonder what everyone is doing." Korosensei said, standing upright, his voice gaining a mischievous tone.

Thirty minutes later

"Ai! Ei! Ei!" Korosensei screamed as he dodged small knives, courtesy of Tsuna.

The octopus finally had enough and fled, deciding to spend his time at a less dangerous place then the hitman's apartment. His drop by had not been welcomed because he had unintentionally interrupted Tsuna hacking a high security server.

Tsuna frowned as he leaned out the window, before sighing, shaking his head and relatching the window. He'd have to get the knives later tonight. 'Why was this job so annoying at times and enjoyable at others?' Tsuna mused. He'd probably never get an answer.

Tsuna checked his phone once again. Mukuro finished his mission, his Guardians finished a large amount of paperwork, and Reborn had figured out this year's expenses so far. The amount of property damage is always a very very large headache for the Vongola leaders(most of the damage was pinned accurately to his gaurdians. Reborn could actually leave no evidence of him being somewhere, regardless of what he did there.).

And it seemed like all was going well. Which meant something was going to go wrong. So Tsuna immediately hid a knife and gun under his pillow and went to sleep. He hoped that he could be on his job early, and possibly escape what events would occur tomorrow. If it had anything to do with E-Class, or his gaurdians, they could handle it.

I'm not calling Jelavich by her nickname btw.

My thanks to Draconis-in-the-Sky, thatlistlessfangirl, IoukoMiku, snakeprincess0512, NatsuDragneelx777, GoruPotato, Raiu-chan, Eight-sama, ChrisD24, Tia_Triz, JinTing07, Winchester-1, Amartyang, and Bear_10.

Shoutout to Draconis-in-the-Sky and thatlistlessfangirl. Both of you literally commented on the last chap within literally five minutes of  me uploading it. My beta has now teased me about having fans, yup (;


Thecatleader:What did the lazy writer do when he woke up?

Trope and fall.

Ghosty-And-Cloud:I made the changes regarding Korosensei's laugh, and the Japanese terms. Thank you for your help.

To all my readers commenting quite humorously about poison and testing poison: I will show some of Tsuna and Okuda's time at one point. And yeah, it means testing a lot of poisons, and figuring out what the Anti-Sensei weapons are made of. 

The next chapter will have the E Class in Kyoto, 'while Tsuna is doing various things' (to summarize what I've written).

Now, does anyone have any idea what Anti-Sensei weapons are made of?

Next up:Sharks in the water
See ya later


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