Hacked- IJustine

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Ijustine hacked

"No no no!" Justine started yelling at her computer

It was pretty late at night around midnight and Justine was about to go update her twitter, but it was saying her password was wrong. She logged into another account she had made for a back up a few years ago. And looked up @ijustine. Her name was changed and her profile pic. She looked at her tweets and there were horrible things written as her.

"Stupid stupid stupid!" She started yelling again.

She felt like crying, everyone was believing the tweets and calling her names. As more and more tweets rolled in she watched the feed and wiped away tears.

"why does this happen to me? Why do people hate me so much?!" Justine mumered to herself as she sat in her office chair crying at 12:20 am.

"What's wrong?" Justine heard Ryan say

She quickly wiped her tears off of her cheeks as Ryan flipped on the light.

"Oh nothing, sorry to wake you..." Justine trailed off..

Ryan walked over to her and picked up her hand.

"I know something is up, what's wrong?" He asked

She sighed and gave in.

"Someone hacked my twitter and is saying a bunch of stuff about me, I know it's stupid to cry over.." Justine explained

"It's not stupid, and I will fix it." He said

Ryan pulled out his phone and unlocked it. He went to twitter and tweeted out "@ijustine she has been hacked for people that follow us wondering." Ryan then showed the tweet to Justine and she smiled a little.

"You know that ending didn't really make since right" she kinda giggled

Ryan looked at his phone and laughed along

"Oh well, they will get it." He finished "lets go to bed"

Justine smiled and took Ryan's hand. Ryan held her all that night in his arms...

An... Lol I'm so cheesy...

Date: Sunday the 18 into Monday the 19

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