Books - NCIS

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I always have enjoyed the smell of a new book, how clean the pages seem, how it feels like a new adventure that you join.

I have always loved to read, Even as a young girl in Israel I would want to stay inside and read. Books were and still are a way to escape everything that's going on in my life and to join a new world. My father always hated me to read and would try and take my books. "They are just fairy tales! They are not true!" He would yell at me

Yes I knew that they were not true, the things on the outside were the truth.. I never wanted to live in the truth.

Now as a adult I still love to lay in bed on my days off or after work and read.

This morning I was up early before I had to leave for ncis so I wanted to finish a few more pages in my latest book I am into.

The sun was just rising above the sky and coming in through my windows. The clock read 6:15. I picked up my book and started to read.

Five minutes later I heard some noise outside but I thought it was just some neighbor walking a dog. Then I heard a laugh behind me. I turned around and my good friend and partner; Tony DiNozzo leaning in the doorway of my bedroom.

"DiNozzo! What are you doing here?!" I ask him sternly

"Gibbs was wanting to know why you are late" he replied

"Late?! It's 6:20!" I said confused

He smirked and held up his phone,

"No Ziva it is 7:45" he chuckled

I closed my eyes and cursed under my breath. I lost track of time again... Gibbs is going to kill me.

-DiNozzos POV-

I hope zi is okay. I was at her front porch and I knew where she hid the extra key, so I let myself in. I slowly walked around her house, scared to find her hurt or worse. I walked into her bedroom slowly. I saw her laying on her bed reading a book witch i didn't recognize. I'm a movie guy not a book guy. I couldn't help but to laugh at how innocent and pretty damn hot she looks.

-Ziva's POV-

"I'm sorry Tony.. I lost track of time, Gibbs is gonna kill me" I told him

"I did not know you like to read Ziva" he pointed out

I thought back to my childhood, I thought back to my father throwing my books in a fire and telling me to go out and train.

"Always have" I just mumbled

Somethings are better to be kept in my own head. For now at least.

"Well let's get going, and in the car you can tell me about the book." He took my hand

I quickly threw on some work clothes and met Tony In the living room.

"There you are" he smiled

I smiled also and followed him to his car.

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