You Found Me - Graser10

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16 year old Nicole needs someone, someone who can actually understand her, not the idiot doctors and Stanley-lake mental hospital. She has spent the two past years in the hospital. Now they throw her out because of "booking issues". She doesn't really mind for the fact she literally hates that place. But the thing is she is getting a guardian.

Nicole's POV

"Nicole, could you tell me why you were admitted here?" I heard another doctor ask me

I slumped down in my seat and smiled a little.

"Suicidal tendencies, self harm, and the fact you think I'm a loony bird." I rolled my eyes

Through the past two years of the same interrogations, I have learned how to answer. I heard my regular doctor sigh in the background. I smirked at him for the fact, in two years he can't get me to talk about my past. Both the doctors walked out of the room. A nurse came in.

"Nicole, well um this is awkward but we are letting you go." She told me

I jumped out of my seat, are they crazy?! I mean I'm overly excited to be out of this four walled hell, but I'm crazy!

"You are going to have a guardian, someone to help you still though." the nurse continued.

I skipped like a little kid at Christmas. I was leaving. I still had to have someone watching over me but I was leaving.

Once back in my small room bunker I grabbed a suitcase and shoved my small collection of things into it.

I then leaned against a brick wall and waited a few minutes, I then soon saw a youngerish man, I would say 20ish walk in to the hospital. I saw the nurses point towards me. I was going to have to be with him from now on.

But still No more of the hospital watching me, I could cut and starve and not be watched like I was stupid. The thing is I don't want to die. I want to feel pain, but not die. The guy smiled at me and walked over.

Another abnormal thing about me is I love to talk to people, I'm not a mute or anything like a lot of the other people in menial hospitals.

"Hello I'm Zach but most people just call me Graser" he extended his hand.

I shook his and smiled to him.

"I'm Nicole! I'm just going to state this: you can't save me, I'm helpless." I shrugged

I knew this guy was going to give up on me, they always did.

We had a silent drive back to his house, we didn't really talk much.

He unlocked the door and not to my surprise his place looked like my imagination thought it did. A single guys place. Pizza boxes laid along the floor and so did clothes. I'm going to clean this place. Graser lead me down a few stairs and showed me his room, a office looking room and then at the end of the hall, now my room.

"You wanna go grab something for dinner?" He asked

I don't know if he knew about my anorexia but I hope he didn't. I just shrugged.

"Let's go get pizza!" He laughed like a little kid.

We walked for a while in silence.

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