Blood Trace

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Blood Trace

Alex Powle was a happy, middle aged man he loved life, he owned small business, a bread store, lived in the small town he grew up in, which was Northglenn, Colorado, and on the weekends he went to the mountains to fish. He wasn’t married, and he has no kids. Still he was happy, he was perfectly content with his life. If there was one thing Alex could change in his life though, it would be, to never meet Garret. Garret was a old employ of his, that he should have never hired, once Garret got hired all he did was snoop around unprivileged rooms, bother costumers with his religious beliefs, and eat the food. Alex belies to give people chances, but Garret finally ran out of chances with him, and he kicked him to the curb. Even though Garret did not last long, he did change Alex’s life forever, and not in a good way. The day Alex finally fired Garret, Garret swore he would get his revenge. Alex did not think too much of this threat, because Garret had been drinking, he would not even probably remember the whole thing by tomorrow. He never saw or has seen Garret since that day, he thought he moved, Today Alex knows he’s in trouble, big trouble.

Unlike Alex, Mike Luther has a much more interesting life. Mike is a FBI agent, he also grew up and still lives in Northglenn Colorado. Mike has a wonderful wife, Carrie, and beautiful daughter, Alice. They live in this wonderful brown one story house that has a large garden, pond, and room to grow in to. Mike also likes life, and enjoy it, he always says he’s blessed to have this life. Mike and Carrie are thirty years old, they are high school sweet hearts, and they got married at twenty. Alice is four years old, full of life, happy bubbly child. Mike would do anything for Carrie, and Alice. His work takes up a lot of time, but Carrie doesn’t care, she will love him till the end of time.

This morning was like any other for Alex, regulars, strangers, teens, seniors, he saw almost everyone in his store, but with every strange, weird person that walks in to that store. This encounter could top them all, a guy he looked to be about 25 years old, walked into his store at ten am sharp, Alex smiled towards him, the guy looked straight into his eyes and walked out. Fifteen minutes later the same guy walked in again, but this time with a younger guy looked to be 17, the older guy eye pointed toward Max, they looked at each other and left. Max did not see them again all day. At the end of the day Alex, hid the money under the floor board, cleaned up, locked up and headed home. When Alex was walking up his carport he felt a weird presence. When he got to the door, his door was broken in to, he walked in carefully and slowly, no one was there, and nothing was missing but something was added, it was a DVD that said “play me : )†on the front; Darren, Alex thought. Darren is Alex’s best friend, and he love scaring him like that. Alex popped in the DVD, not what he expected.

The DVD had on it his house, then it filmed the clock it read 3:05 am, then the person filmed Max sleeping, then came the scarcest part, who ever filmed this, held a knife right up to his neck. Max went and looked in the mirror there was a red line drawn on his neck,

"Someone wants me dead" Max whispered to himself.

Hello! This is one of the stories I wrote a while back. Again no intention of finishing this story! Take any plot or characters and continue the plot! Send me a link if you do! I would love to read it :3

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