He wanted to collect her in his arms and hold her again but knew she needed to stand on her own, she needed to face them by herself "if we could go back in time and change what we said we would. But we can't"

She sighed roughly before running a hand through her hair.

Jade remembered how she told her brother to go to the Divisions before he died and if she could go back in time and tell him to stay she would "I'll listen to whatever you need to say but this doesn't mean I'm forgiving you."

Klaus and caroline shut the door behind them "You might want to take a seat."

"I'm fine." Jade replied stubbornly — she'd be lying if a small part of her was afraid that they would break the little trust she had in them.

Slate held her hand and squeezed it reassuringly "I'll be right here." Jade nodded her head at him, appreciating the gesture.

Caroline took a step forward "We need to tell you what you are."

"What I am? I'm Inoculate if that's what you're trying to tell me." Jade stated, wanting to get to the point already.

Caroline shook her head "That's not all - You are part of a rare species called a Validus.''

"That's impossible, Validus' are just myths" she scoffed.

Validus' were a dying breed, the blood that they contained is usually too strong for a new born to survive. It was like putting electric shots into a small baby and telling it to live; only one in 50 children born with this gene would be able to live to the age of three.

That's why anyone even containing this rare blood stream are treated like King's and Queen's — People who contained half the gene were also highly regarded because they were close enough to the fierce generation of super humans.

Klaus smiled gently "The signs are evident. Sebastian told me what you went through when Tanner passed, you have the ability to be undeniably loyal. Slate told us you froze time once before, you have the ability to manipulate objects, including time and space. You have countlessly over powered your mate in numerous occasions which would be impossible for any normal human since he is an Alpha - you are physically and mentally strong."


Klaus peered in Slates direction "I think my wife and I are going to leave you two alone. When you're willing to listen to us, we'll be waiting down stairs" Jade watched as her aunty and uncle leave the room before returning her full attention to Slate

"What is it Slate?"

He sighed lightly, knowing exactly what he had to tell her "What do you remember when you left the Moon Howler territory?"

Jade searched her memory "I remember seeing Cora and then...nothing, after that I blacked out and when I woke up I was in Cora's car with Bash on our way here."

"Okay," he had to stop the pang of jealousy attacking his mind at the sound of Sebastian's shortened name which wasn't helping with Soren's growling in the background "Is that all you remember?"

Jade nodded her head slowly "Yes. What is it? What happened?"

"You turned into something else, something dangerous. You froze everyone but Melissa and Dylan. You suspended him mid air...you almost killed Dylan." 

She felt tears gather in her eyes "H-how?"

"Without laying so much as a finger on him." Slate replied

'Monster, I'm a monster...' Jade thought over and over again "what stopped me?"

"Sebastian" Slate replied, his name tasted like poison on his tongue.

She felt a tear roll down her cheek "I'm a monster, I almost killed him and if Bash-"

"No. you're not a monster" Slate brought her into his embrace, holding her close to him "He didn't help Cora and he didn't help you. He watched the both of you suffer without so much as trying to lift a finger."

Jade buried her head against his chest "What's happening to me Slate? What happens the next time I get angry-"

"It's going to be all right." He interrupted her holding either sides of her face "I'll be here. I'll always be here. And we'll learn to control it. Caroline and Klaus are our only hope at the moment. Give them a chance."

Jade brushed her hands in her hair "...Fine..."

* * *

"I don't like him" Bash stated as he sat down in the living room with Caroline and Klaus, patiently waiting for Jade to make her way downstairs.

Caroline chuckled "You don't like anyone"

"This is why you barely have friends"

Sebastian glared at the them "I don't like him, in particular"

"And why is that?" Caroline asked "Is it because Slate is her mate?"

Klaus smirked knowingly "Bash. He won't hurt her for the life of him"

"He isn't the best choice for her" Sebastian shot back, he was beyond frustrated that they would defend a complete stranger.

Caroline exchanged a look with her husband "It's her life and she can make any decisions that she wants to make."

"Jade is a strong girl" Klaus said with a sympathetic look "She can handle herself"

Before Sebastian could reply Slate and Jade entered the room "I'm so glad you decided to hear us out" Caroline grabbed Klaus' hand

"Well, we'll start from the core problem. You're having...blackouts? Am I correct?"

"Yes, which is why I need your help to control whatever it is."

Caroline smiled sadly "It's power honey. You have an undeniable energy force inside of you, waiting to come out. But if you practice it, use it and not suppress it, then, you'll control it. Just like your mother."

"So just regularly use my powers, and train with them...and I'll be able to control it?" Jade replied softly

Klaus nodded "Yes, it's that simple. But before you go my wife has something to give you"

"What is it...?"

Caroline revealed a small crinkled envelope "Tanner came here before you did. He said if anything happened to him to give this to you"

"He came to you?" Jade voiced "Why would he come here?"

Caroline only stood up and handed the envelope over "Everything will be explained in the letter."

"...Can I have a minute alone, upstairs?"

Klaus stood up "Of course take all the time you need" and with that she left the room they stood in.

Slate wanted to follow his mate — He didn't want her to be alone but somewhere inside he knew that she needed to be alone.

Just this once

Even if it killed him to see her walking away without him by her side but at the same time somewhere deep in his heart a small voice was telling him that letting her face this alone would be one of the biggest mistakes he has ever made...

If only he had listened to that small voice. 

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