32 ♫ the story behind the hard choice

468 21 4

♫ Present

♫ Demi

I watched Noah walk Rory who was looking unwell into our house and I sighed as Mama opened my door. "Her birthday is tomorrow but I am not even sure she will want me around for it." I whispered as she kneed down to my height since I still hadn't unbuckled nor moved for that matter since my interaction with Rory.

"I don't think that would be a fair assumption.." Mama replied back as she slid a piece of my hair behind my ear. "No matter how hurt, upset and angry she is at you.. I don't think she wouldn't want you around for her birthday."

"You would see it happening because you are that type of optimistic person to be but.. I am being real and I am not expecting to be apart of her birthday this year." I whispered back looking right into my Mama's concern eyes who were staring into mine too with concern.

"Maybe you should learn from your Mama, baby girl." Mama laughed a little as she placed her hand gently on top of mine and smiled at me. "How is your leg going?" I gave her a confused look and she laughed again. "Don't think I didn't see you limping earlier.. I am your Mother - I notice a lot more than you think I do."

"It's okay.." I trailed off as she gave me a look telling me she isn't being fooled and I let out a loud sigh. "Fine.. It hurts just a little but I am fine, Mama!"

"Take it easy.." As she spoke those words, Noah walked out and came over to the car as I got out finally and Noah stood there awkwardly. 

"I need to go." Noah whispered softly as she looked over to the house and I nodded to that. "I would stay but I really think she would just use me to distract her from what she should be doing.."

"Should be doing?" I whispered confused and she looked at me with her brown eyes with a nod.

"What you all should be doing." She corrected herself even though I was confused in what she meant. "Talking things out, Demi." Noah prompted with a little attitude. "God, you two are just going to make things worst between yourselves and if you keep going at this rate, you will lose each other forever and no one else can stop that from happening besides yourselves." I looked over at Mama who nodded at me.

"I should be getting on my way too." Mama added softly and suddenly I felt fear build inside me as Noah replied to her.

"I can drive you to get Demi's car?" Noah asked gently and Mama nodded then walked over to me to grab the keys of my hands before I had time to protest. 

"Oh come on guys." I whined softly as Mama made her way back into Noah's car. 

"Why come on?" Noah questioned as she opened her driver's side car. "If you are really sorry about everything, this is the start of proving it."

"Talk to your daughter.. This is the time to get everything out in the open and when you do that, then things can only go up from there." Mama stated then shut the passenger seat as my eyes gazed to Noah who offered me a smile then she got in and shut the door. I closed my eyes as I heard the car engine turn on and a honk as Noah drove down the driveway and back onto the street before speeding away. 

They are right.. We haven't had a good chance to actually have an civil conversation due to having people around and so many things happening. This was a good time as no one was around and nothing could distract us from what needed to be done.

I sighed as I saw Rory curled up in her bed in her bare room staring into space. I swallowed my spit then spoke gently. "Hey." She looked towards me and she sighed softly as I leaned into the door frame and I looked around the room. "You were right earlier." I stated gently after a short silence as I looked back at her and she looked towards me. 

Secrets Within Us ♫ Demi Lovato [1] ✓ COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now