22 ♫ moldy chocolate muffin

419 12 0

♫ Demi

♫ Present

I looked up as Andrea walked in quickly and stared at Sophia in shock. I stood there and gave her a hug which she accepted. "I am sorry for letting her down, Andrea." We pulled up and she shook her head.

"This wasn't your fault, Demi." Andrea stated softly and looked over to Britney who smiled sadly at her.

"We can leave you to talk to Sophia.." I whispered softly as Britney got up and walked out after giving Andrea a hug. "We can talk about everything else once you get your head around this." I added softly and she sat down.

"Thanks Demi." She replied back as she grabbed Sophia's hand softly and I nodded but not really accepting her thanks.. For what? Why was she even thanking me for? I walked outside and saw Britney who was looking at posters on the wall. I walked over and saw it was about grief.

"They have free grief support groups.." She whispered and I sighed as she handed me the pamphlet about the loss of a child. "Demi.. You are going to need this. Trust me and don't get mad at me when I say that." I nodded and walked towards the waiting room as she followed. "I am worried about you.. You haven't eaten."

"And how could you state that when I went back home?"

"Because you were way to quick to come back here and you look deprived of food." She whispered back as I went outside and sat on a bench near the plants. "And of sleep." She added and I looked at her amused.

"There is no way I can managed to close my eyes and actually fall asleep." I whispered softly back to her hoping no one notices me or Britney. "For a decent sleep.."

"What's your excuse for not eating?" Britney questioned with a soft laugh as she crossed her arms across her chest.

"I can't stomach the thought of food right now." I simply replied as a yawn escaped from my mouth and she laughed again.

"Aha!" She pointed at me as she stood in front of me. "There was a yawn that just came out of your mouth."

"No." I denied it and shook my head with a serious expression as she laughed again. "I did not yawn.."

"Yes you did!" Britney squealed like a little school girl who is trying to make me admit I kissed my crush. "Yes you did!" She jumped up and down as I widen my eyes to keep myself awake.

"Oh just go away.." I whispered as I crossed my arms and tightened my cardigan so I would feel comfy then suddenly a teen walked over.

"Are you Demi Lovato?" Before I could answer, she threw a few newspapers in my lap and shoved a chocolate muffin that tasted foul in my mouth then ran off before Britney or I could react.

"What the hell!" Britney screamed out loud directing it to that teen girl who now disappeared into the hospital and I held the destroyed muffin in my hand then noticed it had mold on it. "Oh Dems." I looked at her in shock and she looked down at my lap.. Her eyes widen and I slowly looked down too at the headlines.

Demi Lovato is a liar, a cheater and a terrible role model. Read all about the scandal on pg 10!

"If this is how they are getting their money, I feel bad for them and their sad pathetic lives." Britney stated as she grabbed all but one newspaper and shoved them in the bin. I opened to page 10 and saw Britney's disapproval as I read it.

Everybody knows now that our favorite x factor contestant Rory Stevens' is Demi Lovato's secret daughter who was hidden from the public eye. And if you didn't know then now you do and now does Rory who seemed quite upset after a video of the truth was played just after her duet with her role model. Ha. Her mother!

People were spreading rumors the day before when Rory posted a picture with Isabella Stevens', were made aware of the familiarites of the pop star and Rory's mother but no one really was prepared for it to be true. There was even the fact that Demi Lovato was secretly a surrogate mother to Rory's best friend, Sophia Roberts. Not even that but Taylor Swift was the secret adoptive mother of Sophia. It doesn't get any any better than this besides the fact that both women chose to keep their famous lives a secret from their daughters.

They are rumors that Sophia Swift/Roberts/Lovato [we aren't quite sure what surnames to use] and Dallas Lovato are in the hospital after a fatal car collision during the live show as anonymous people have come forward with information. We don't know much only that they have seen Demi Lovato, Rory Stevens/Lovato, Simon Cowell and Britney Spears hanging around for long hours throughout the past 2 days since the live show.

Demi Lovato seems to be getting quite a backlash online from her fans including blaming her for the car collision and we are here to let you know that even though she has made some mistakes, it isn't right to blame her for this car accident until proven otherwise.

Neither is she a bad role model. We believe that Demi did what was best for daughter and that is something to admire about this woman who has saved millions of young teenagers throughout her career. Admire the fact she made a tough choice 15 years ago to keep her daughter from the public eye and I can't blame her for making that decision. Don't look at this in a bad light because in Demi's eyes, she did what she thought would potentially protect the baby she was bringing into this world and as deeply as her fans hurt for being kept away from a major part of their role model's life, do believe the reasons and step foot in her shoes.

Being born into a famous life isn't always glamour and fun as we all hear stories about celebrities taking their own life because they can't escape from the gossip, paparazzi's and the daily demands of this lifestyle. So, don't be so quick to judge Demi Lovato and be there for the Lovato family.

The Celebrity Newsroom and I would like to give our best wishes to the Lovato and Swift family - Demi, Taylor, Sophia, Rory and their families. We also pray that Sophia and Dallas are recovering well.

This has been Lizzie from the 'addressing the celebrity drama as it happens with respect and dignity section of the daily newspaper.'

"Wow." I gasped as I wasn't expecting it to be as nice as it was. I gave it to Britney with a wide smile on my face and she was confused then read it quietly to herself. "I guess that girl didn't like what the newspaper had to say about the situation."

"This should be kept somewhere safe just in case you ever doubt your choices." Britney explained as she gave it back to me and I couldn't help but laugh softly. Some people totally got why I did it but there is a huge selection of people who want to shove moldy chocolate muffins in my face and mouth.

♫ Rory

I woke up and decided to go outside of Demi's room to face everybody again. I slowly walked to the living room and saw everybody but grandma and Demi just sitting there with a newspaper on the table. "What's that?" I whispered as everybody looked up and sadly smiled at me.

"Just the daily newspaper and has a column about..." Noah couldn't finished the sentence and handed me the newsletter. I read the headline and opened it to page 10. I read it silently with annoyance. I finished then quickly ripped it apart not caring the shreds were on the floor.

"A bunch of lies and I hate it." I muttered angrily and crossed my arms as everybody watched with sadness.

Secrets Within Us ♫ Demi Lovato [1] ✓ COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now