24 ♫ her seizures

488 15 0

♫ Present

♫ Demi

She freaked out and her heart monitor was up the wall as the doctor ran it. "What's happening?" Mama screamed as we were pushed out of the room as Dallas freaked out. Her eyes were rolling back and it was scary. I tried to comfort mama and keep my emotions at bay but this was just too upsetting. After a while the doctor came out and we looked at him with questioning looks.

"Please tell us we aren't going to lose her too." I uttered out with a scared tone in my voice as I held mama in my arms and he nodded his head.

"Oh, she won't die with the technology we have to help her with her seizures." He spoke calmly but mama freaked out.

"I am sorry.. She had a seizure?" Mama croaked out as she pointed to Dalla's door and the doctor looked shocked.

"I am sorry.. I thought Doctor Ryan already told you about how she might experience seizures time after time."

"You can't just casually say that, Doctor?" I whispered as I tried to keep my anger at a moderate level.

"Doctor Rollins." He replied back with a sad smile and I continued.

"Of course he told us she might experience it but you both failed to mention what might trigger them!" I ranted out as mama held my arm gently so I wouldn't throw punches or something.

"Well.. Yes I see your point there." Doctor Rollins replied back as he fixed his glasses by wiping them and putting them back on. "I will get you a pamphlet to give you more information and I will order a CAT scan so we can properly assessed Dallas and see if there are any personal triggers.. I am very sorry." I nodded then he walked away and I looked over at mama who was staring at me.

"I know you are protective over Dallas but there was no need to get so angry at the poor guy."

"Mama, I am not about to lose another member in this family." I uttered out as I held the tears back as she looked at me with sadness. "Not on my clock." She wrapped me in her arms and I slowly let myself cry for the first time in the past few days.

"I know but Dally will be okay." Mama cooed as my eyes gazed teary to the window to see Dallas staring back. I tried to smile at her but I failed and see looked sadly at me but knew she was too tired to show emotion.

I walked to my house first with shock since it was toilet papered. "Seriously." I muttered under my breath trying to pull down the toilet paper then someone grabbed me. I screamed but the person covered my mouth.

"It's me.. Cora." Cora's quiet but strong voice was hard into my ear and she let go of me as the light from the house lights turned on.

"What the hell Cora!" I whispered shouted as I walked to my door as she followed me. "You know what? You can clean this mess up and I then will not have to file another police report on you." I walked into my house and she followed silently as I grabbed an garbage bag and handed it to her.

"My step mother and dad were driving that car." Cora finally stated out loud and I raised my eye brows at her questioning why I even let her in my home. "I never meant it to get this far but they wanted you to suffer for reasons I don't know." I folded my arms across my body and raised my eye brows at her.

"Think I am easily fooled?"

"I am not fooling you." She stated out softly as she brought up the garbage bag. "Your house was going to get more than toilet papered but I stopped them."

"You want a trophy for that?" I asked angrily as I grabbed my hair into my fists annoyed. "I wouldn't be toilet papered if you let me privately tell my daughters the truth instead of what happened."

"Well I am sorry Demi, really I am." Cora stated out not seeming genuine but more scared.

"You have 10 minutes to clean the mess outside this house and if you don't, you will facing a few other criminal charges including bypassing my property." If fear was what she was feeling then she will do what I say. She tried to open her mouth to protest but could not find anything to argue with then just walked outside. I sighed as I locked the door behind her and went to change into more comfy clothing. After 15 minutes I went back outside and saw it was tidied up.. Cora was sitting on the step and I sat next to her. "Why are you still here?"

"I am scared you will call the police to press more charges on me."

"You cleaned the toilet paper so I won't but I won't take away the charges I have already pressed on you." I replied back as I stood up and started to walk down the driveway as she followed.

"You can't possibly still want to press charges on me.." I quickly turned around angrily.

"Well I am along with being involved in manslaughter.. You will spending a long time reflecting on your crimes." I whispered angrily and her face paled. "Yeah, your parents killed Sophia. She is on life support right now brain dead. And Dallas? She is awake but not of the woods yet so you know maybe you really do need help. And I hope you get it." I pushed her out of the gate and locked the gate. "And you are also lucky I won't tell the police you have been here." I started to walk away and she tried to grab my arm but I was stronger as I pulled away.

"Demi, my life will be over if I am found guilty of the things I am being charged with." She cried out making me the bad person in this. "I can't spend my childhood and most of my adulthood locked up."

"You have to pay for the crimes you are guilty for.. If you don't want to do the time then just don't do the crime." I shouted back as I waved as I walked down the road to get to mama's and Eddie's house. I heard her cries soften as I got further away and there I stood in front of the house with tears rolling down my eyes. What a mess.

Secrets Within Us ♫ Demi Lovato [1] ✓ COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now