1 ♫ the rise

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♫ Past

♫ Demi/Isabella

I sat there with a soon-to-be-due oversized pregnant belly in a middle of a very important meeting that my Mama likes to call it but it isn't really important to me because they are discussing  my career and my baby. "I really think you are better off giving the baby up.." Dallas explained as she handed me the pamphlets about adoption.

"I am not giving my baby up!" I slammed my hand on the pamphlets and scrunched it up in front of my big sister's face then threw it in the bin.

"You are just starting your career, Demi." Mama whispered and I turned my attention to her as she sat there next to my manager, Dana and she was cradling Maddie in her arms. "This little baby is going to grow up with a famous mother.. Do you really think you can as a 18 year old handle a baby and a very demanding job?"

"Well, do you?" Dana questioned after a short silence as tears rolled down my eyes to my cheek dropping on my shirt. I looked at my Mama then pointed to two year Maddie who was cuddled up to Mama's neck.

"You wouldn't give her up so why are you asking me to give up my child?" I whispered as Mama's face dropped in shock and looked down at our little sister. "There has to be a way for me to keep my child but also protect her from the life I am about to go on." I turned my attention to Dana who slowly nodded with a sigh.

"I mean.. I wasn't going to suggest this because it might be a lot more harder to do then give up the baby." Dana trailed off and took out her laptop. "You could live a double life.."

"No way!" Dallas yelled out as she stood up and I looked at her with a smirk. "That is just-"

"A brilliant idea." I interrupted her and looked over at Mama who smiled at me. "I can keep my baby and protect her while I am making sure I keep my career and have enough money to put towards my baby." Dallas slowly sat down and kept silent as Dana went through all the details. We all slowly came to an agreement that this was the best choice and it was all sorted in within a few hours.

♫ Present

♫ Rory

"Rory Stevens!" My auntie screamed from down the stairs. "Get your butt down here before your Mother leaves without you." I ran down the stairs and hopped into the kitchen with one shoe on.

"Jeez Rachel." Mama whispered as she kissed my Auntie's cheek. "The poor girl hasn't even got breakfast in her yet." I smiled at the both of them as I put on my other shoe on and stood up straight.

"I don't want you late on your first day of school." Auntie Rachel stroked my cheek as she handed me a banana and a smoothie to go.

"Uh I thought Sophia and Addie were coming so we could go together?" I questioned as I took a sit at the bench as Mum placed my school bag in front of me. They both looked at me and laughed.

"I told you that was happening!" Mama exclaimed to Auntie Rachel and Auntie Rachel looked at me with a smile. And then the doorbell rang and I ran to the door. "Slow down Rory!"

"Hey!" I opened the door and jumped into Addie's arms then kissed her cheek. I turned my attention to Sophia who stood there with a smile on her face. "How are you?"

"Not as bright as you that is for sure." Sophia whispered as she yawned and walked inside. And Addie carried me inside.

"You think I can carry you all the time?" Addie joked as she placed me back standing on the ground as my Mama and Auntie Rachel walked in. Mama and Auntie Rachel came to greet both of them.

Secrets Within Us ♫ Demi Lovato [1] ✓ COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now