16 ♫ found you

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♫ Demi/Isabella [Note: This will be the last time I will calling her POV's Isabella.]

♫ Present

I tried to catch up with her but she disappeared from my view from the darkness in the backstage. I stopped running and threw my wig on the ground. "Damn it."

"Demi?" I turned around and Britney was standing there. I looked down at my outfit with a sigh as she walked over then brought me into a hug. "They will come around."

"I should of listened to Dallas." I admitted softly not letting myself fall apart because really, do I even have that right? "I was too stubborn to admit she was right like always."

"Okay.." Britney replied back as we pulled apart then silently walked back to my backstage room. I got myself undressed and dressed into comfy clothes then through my greasy brown hair into a bun. Simon then walked in with Cora angrily.

"Cora." I stated as I looked at her and she looked away. I walked over to her and sighed. "What did you have against me and my family?" I crossed my arms but she didn't answer as Simon sighed still holding her collar of her shirt.

"She won't talk." Simon muttered and Cora looked at Simon with a glare. "Well, we know everything Cora so you can't really accuse us of unfair treatment, can you now?" Cora looked at me with her brown eyes and tried to get out of Simon's grip. "I suggest we call security." I looked over at Britney who had her phone ready and I nodded.

"I suggest you get home to wherever that is and never show your face on x factor again." I whispered softly as a guard came around to show her out. She didn't say anything as she was leaded out and I sighed with annoyance as another guard came in. "Did you find her?"

"Sorry, Demi." The guard answered softly and I nodded as Britney touched my shoulder gently. "She isn't in this arena.."

"I am sure she found her way home hopefully." I whispered with a sad smile and nodded to thank him then he walked out to leave us judges alone. "What a night." I whispered as I grabbed my jacket and purse.

"We need to talk about what happens now.." Simon whispered as I tried to walk past him and I looked into his eyes with concern. "If we keep running the show.."

"And why wouldn't we?" I whispered with worry and I looked over at Britney who was looking down at her shoes shyly.

"Do you really think Cora hasn't wrecked this for everybody else?" Simon spoke softly and I shook my head.

"She shouldn't get that satisfaction.." Suddenly my phone rang and I quickly answered it.

"Is this Demi Lovato?"

"Sorry." I quickly tried to say something but the person on the other line quickly interrupted. "I am not doing any inter-"

"Sophia and Dallas Lovato was involved in a car collision half a hour ago.. We tried calling you but realize you were in a middle of a show." My face whiten again and I felt my heart sink.

"Sh*t." I whispered as I hung up after them telling me I needed to get to the hospital fast. Simon and Britney looked at me with worry..

"Sophia and Dallas are in the hospital.. A car collided into theirs." I whispered with a cracked voice and Britney grabbed my arm so I wouldn't fall down. "Oh god, I need to find Rory."

"Look, I will take you to the hospital." Simon spoke as he grabbed his keys from his pocket and Britney nodded.

"I will look for Rory but I think I saw Noah running off earlier to find her but I will tell them both okay?" I nodded as Simon held my body against his since I felt like I could faint and we walked to the back of the arena to his BMW.

Secrets Within Us ♫ Demi Lovato [1] ✓ COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now