3 ♫ talent

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♫ Present

♫ Rory

I rang up Sophia as soon as dinner was done and I could be excused. I waited impatiently for Sophia to answer and as soon as she did I squealed. "She said yes!"

"She did?" Sophia questioned sounding shock but excited. "That is so amazing!"

"I am so excited that I can barely do anything else but just scream!" I exclaimed and heard her laugh through the phone. "Sophia, what I am even going to sing?"

"You can always ask Marissa tomorrow when you have your singing lesson?" Sophia pointed out with sense and I smiled at her logical.

"Of course!" I face planted my head into the pillow and screamed again. "Oh my world, I am going to sing in front of Demi Lovato, Britney Spears and Simon Cowell!"

"Yes you are." Sophia whispered through the phone softly with a laugh.

I ran downstairs and bumped into Mama who laughed at me. "What are you doing up early on a Saturday morning!"

"I have so much to do, Mama!" I exclaimed as I was putting on a sock as I was trying to eat an apple. "I need to make sure my voice is ready for next week."

"Oh, baby." Mama cooed as she ran her fingers through my brown hair with a smile. "You are too cute."

"Mama, there is nothing cute about wanting to be prepared!" I pointed out sounding professional as I could and she laughed again as she walked over to her laptop. "This is serious business."

"Is Marissa coming over?" Mama questioned after a short silence once I got my socks on and I looked up at her.

"I do have a lesson with her today so she should be!" I answered her with a smile on my face. "I wanted to surprise her with the news about me trying out on the x factor." Aunt Rachel walked in looking glamours like usual and she came over to kiss my cheek.

"Morning Rory-saur." I grinned at her as she grabbed the cereal and poured herself a small bowl. "You are up earlier than usual."

"I am just so excited!" I answered her then took a bite of my apple as I saw Mama roll her eyes in a joking kind of way and I laughed at her. "I am going to be on x factor!"

"Oh, you are so cute." Aunt Rachel pinched my cheek and I moved out her grip with a roll of the eyes then the doorbell rang and I ran to the door.

"Sophia!" I squealed as I opened the door to her as she held out a balloon to me.

"This is for you." She handed me the balloon with a giggle as I looked to see what was written on the balloon.

"Rory is a star!" I read out aloud and laughed at how cheesy it sounded. I let Sophia walk in and we headed to the kitchen where Sophia ran up to Mama to give her a hug then did the same with Aunt Rachel.

"That is huge!" Marissa exclaimed as I told her the big news and she gave me a hug. "I didn't think your Mama would actually let you."

"Neither did I." I stated with a nervous laugh as I sat down in front of the mic. "She had a change of heart and I reckon Aunt Rachel had a thing or two to do with it."

"Thank goodness." Marissa whispered as she adjusted a few things in the studio that Mama got me for my 13th birthday. "You have so much talent and I am glad that she is letting you loose a bit to use your beautiful talent." I turned my attention to Sophia who was looking through my covers.

Secrets Within Us ♫ Demi Lovato [1] ✓ COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now