31 ♫ this anger of mine

398 18 5

♫ Rory

♫ Present

I frantically got onto the train holding my train pass and my plane pass that would take me to Dallas. I looked out the window hoping Demi didn't end up getting on the train as the train moved but I didn't see her. "Oh no." I quickly moved to the furtherest carriage and hid into one of the booths hoping if she was looking me would miss the disguise I was wearing. I fell asleep after a while forgetting that she might be looking for me but I felt content that I was hidden enough.. Knowing the train trip was a hour and I set my alarm before knowing I was going to fall asleep.

♫ Demi

I walked through carriages frantically until suddenly I saw her in a.. Well.. I applaud her for the efforts in her disguise but she just can't from hide me. I giggled softly as I sat next to her so she couldn't escape when she woke up and I knew this train now was heading to the airport which was under a hour since it was the L.A. airport. Suddenly she woke up and she looked around in confusion then looked next to her where I was sitting. "I give 7/10 for that disguise." I put one thumbs up and one thumb on its side. She wanted to run but I was between her and the escape. "You can't run away.." I whispered after waiting for her to reply and narrowed my eyes as she looked away. "I am not letting you."

"You can't stop me." She spat out angrily as she looked back at me and I sighed realizing she doesn't know how serious I am. "Or do anything about this."

"Oh sweetie, you don't know how serious I am about this." I replied back with a smirk which earned me a glare from Rory and I couldn't help but let out a laugh. I picked my iPhone up and showed her the phone log where I had called her Grandma, the security and the train conductors. "This, my sweet girl means your plan has been foiled." She suddenly kicked my leg and pushed me hard off the seat then ran leaving me shocked but I got up quickly to chase her through the train.

 ♫ Rory 

 I ran through train carriages and hiding every chance I got to make sure Demi lost me. Suddenly the train stopped at a station and I ran out as the door closed to make sure Demi had no chance to follow. I stood there and watched the train go as I saw Demi staring back at me through one window. I smirked as I waved to the train disappearing until somebody appeared behind me and touched my shoulder. "Miss Lovato, you are to be escorted to the office to wait until someone can collect you."

"My name is NOT Lovato.. It's..." I stopped talking realizing I really was a Lovato as we walked slowly through people to get to the offices at the station. He opened the door and sat me on one of the chairs.

"Coffee, tea or water?"

"I would like to leave please." I growled as I folded my arms and he smiled at me.

"Teenagers." He muttered as he sat down at the computer and I rolled my eyes. "What's with the attitude?"

"Have you not seen the news?" I whispered after a short silence and he looked up with a raised eye brow. "Wow, do you like live under a rock or something?" I questioned with full on attitude.

"I don't really read gossip, Miss Lovato nor do I care to." He explained as he kept patient and I sighed as I unfolded my arms.

"Long story short, I didn't know I was a Lovato and I did not know my mother was living a second life as Demi Lovato." I explained to him as he nodded to that.

"Ah, I heard my little ones discussing that this morning." I looked away after that sentence left his mouth. "It must of been hard to be told that."

"I wasn't really told unless you count a recording shown on live TV in front of millions of people then yeah, it was hard to be "told" that." I whispered gently and directed my eyes back into his surprised ones as I used my fingers to show air quotations.

Secrets Within Us ♫ Demi Lovato [1] ✓ COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now