Cross Leave My Mother A L O N E

Start from the beginning

"Sowwy." Blank Death apologize.

"It's okay." Goth spoke as he stood up. "Let's get ready for tonight."


Dream patted his son's head, "I should've been there for you.." he said with a small sigh.

"It's fine."

"Are you sure? I was such an awf-"

"Mom, Fresh told me long ago that you were constantly busy." Palette spoke making Dream sigh again.

"But..I needed to be better and watched you also..though I do own a lot to Fresh since he raised you." Dream spoke.

Soon later the door open up getting both of their attention, in the door frame there stood Cross. "Heya Dream." He greeted. Palette looked at Cross examining him before randomly grabbing a knife from the couch and aiming it at him.

"Who are you and why do you have such tone in your filthy mouth. Are you trying to harm him?" Palette spoke not seeing any good in Cross.

"Palette! Drop that knife!!" Exclaimed Dream.

"Why would I? He seems..trouble." Palette spoke.

Cross laugh, "Oh I'm nothing though I'm do we say it..father." Cross lied making Palette take a step back.

"N-no you're not, you're lying. I feel it. Now, if you don't leave us alone I'll brutally cut you up into shreds. " Palette threaten Cross.

Dream however ran off into a room and dialled Nightmare's number.


"Hi bro...t-t... C-Cross is h-here and he...he uhm..uh..he wants to h-hurt me and s-someone else."

"Where are you at?"

"M-my original house."

"Ah alright I'll be there. Don't worry."

"Thank you brother..b-bye."


Dream heard a loud crash as he jumped and ran to see what happened. His eyes widen as he saw his son on the floor bleeding while a shattered vase was all over the floor.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM YOU MONSTER!" Dream screamed as he quickly went to his son's aid.

"Oh? I didn't do anything, he brought that upon himself." Cross spoke with a smile.

"No he didn't!" Dream yelled.

Cross just chuckle, "I bet you called my senpai to come here but what will you do if I tell him..your secret?"


"Pft don't play stupid with me. I know this kid is yours, why would you think I brought up the word..Father in this?" Cross spoke as he neared them.

"S-stay back!"

"Mom.." Palette spoke as he stood up.

"Palette dear don't hurt your current wound. You need to chill and recover!!" Dream spoke as he made Palette sit down. But, Palette stood up once again.

"No, not with this monster here. I won't lose you..I won't..not ever again.." Palette spoke.

Just then Nightmare slammed the door open as he looked at the scene.

Cross looked at Nightmare and smile as he walked back and appear behind Palette and grabbed him by his shoulders.

"Oh Senpai! I want to tell you something about this kid here and to be truthful you wouldn't like it." Cross spoke with a dirty smile.

"This child here is Dream's and my son, isn't that right.. Palette?" Cross spoke as Palette looked at Nightmare then at Cross.

"What?..." Nightmare question as he glare at Dream, "Is this true?"

"I...N-no! I-its a lie!!"

"He's shuttering, he's obviously lying can't you tell?"

"..." Nightmare looked at the three his mind wondering who will he believe.

Finally he spoke.

"You, Palette is it? You tell me the truth."

"Cross is lying. Dream is telling part of the truth.." Palette spoke only to yelp in sharp pain as he felt a knife go through him.

"PALETTE!?" Dream screamed as he grabbed his son and quickly started doing his best to heal him.

Cross smiled as he held the bloody knife and teleported away.

Nightmare went to help assist Dream with this, even if this Palette was telling the truth. He wouldn't know until later.

Pfttt more drama! Yay! Anyways any ideas please suggest them. That's it and I'll see ya in a different book or in the next update! Bye!

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