Chapter. 21

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2 and a half years later

"You ready Diz?" Jughead asked Dizzy. She turned to see Jug in the door way with Pinky. She smiled brightly at them. They both were speechless as they watched the sun pour from the window on to her. She looked like an Angel as she stood there glowing with happiness.

Dizzy was dressed in a white gown with lace. The back was longer then the front, showing off her legs. She was breath taking and Jax had stepped in to see if they were alright.

"Hey, you re-" He stopped talking as he stared at his sister. She was beautiful. Her lips were red and her hair was pinned in a bun with flowers. A snake necklace hangs off her neck and her ring was now a glowing green thanks to the sun. Her heels were also a dark green color. almost olive.

"Yeah. I'm ready." Dizzy says smiling. She was worried about how she looked but if they stopped talking just to gawk at her then she felt alright. It meant that she at least looked good enough for people to stop and stare. Dizzy stepped out and everyone that was talking stopped. Juice, Chibs, Betty, Archie, Veronica, Justine, And Alice all stared at her. They were speechless just like Jughead, Pinky, and Jax. How the hell was FP going to act!?

"Oh my god." Alice smiles at her. "He maybe a tough guy and won't cry. But when he sees you I bet he will. You are like a Goddess Dizzella." Alice says looking at her Niece. She was proud. "Your mother would be so happy and proud of the woman you have become," Alice says and Dizzy smiles. She almost cried but she can't ruin her make-up.

"Thank you, Alice. I'm glad you are here." Betty and Veronica were next. They were gushing over her look. They all couldn't see until she was ready. Dizzy was beautiful.

"You are so beautiful! FP is so lucky." Betty says picking up the dress a bit. Veronica was proud of the heels she picked out for Dizzy. "Are you ready to get out there? He's waiting." Betty says and Dizzy nods her head. She was so ready.

Chibs smiled and walked over to her. "I know your father isn't here to do this. So I will give you away in his and your mother's honor. If you allow me." Dizzy smiled brightly and nodded her head.

"Thank you Chibs. I would appreciate that." Dizzy says softly. He took her arm and Veronica carefully opened the doors. Jughead ran back over to be his dads best man and Pinky to her bride maids spot. Everyone was seated and ready. Veronica smiled and nodded her head at Dizzy.

Dizzy nod her head back and Veronica says, "The bride is ready." Then she opened the second set of doors. As soon as she did. Everyone looked to see and gasped at the beauty that was Dizzy Graham Smith who will soon be Dizzella Graham Jones.

But the only person that Dizzy wanted them to look at her was FP. He stopped talking to Jughead as soon as Jughead and Tallboy looked over at her. That was when FP turned around and the music stared.

His eyes widened as he saw what he thought was an angel in front of him. He was speechless and her smile was the Cherry bomb on top of that ice cream Sunday that was Dizzella Graham Smith.

Dizzy smiled as FPs eyes started to water over. Sure he had gotten through a wedding before but this? This was his last chance. His Ride or Die Lady. The perfect woman that he was willing to spend an eternity with. The last woman he ever wants to hold in his arms and love with every fiber of his being.

What was even more perfect was the fact that their daughter, that was now two years old, was walking down the aisle in her white dress throwing flower petals around the floor. She was beautiful. Blonde hair like her mother and blue eyes like her father.

Her smile was bright as she tried to not look at her beautiful mother trying to keep straight

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Her smile was bright as she tried to not look at her beautiful mother trying to keep straight. She could not help but stare at her mom. The little girl knew that her mother was a goddess in her eyes. But to see her this happy and so in love with her father made her even more so happy.

FP had actually shed a few tears as she came closer. Chibs watched them both fall in love like it was just the beginning. Chibs held her hand out for FP to take and he did. FP took Dizzys hand in his own and nod thanks to Chibs. He let a small glare head his way. Telling him not to mess up.

They couldn't stop staring at one another. Gazing lovingly as if they were meant for each other. FP was dressed in a black Tux with a green tie. The bride's maids the same green and the Best man were dressed in black with golden ties.

Gold and Green were the colors. Except for the wedding dress. That was a given. FP and Dizzy decided to put both The Sons and The Serpents colors together. It worked.

"You're so fucking beautiful," FP whispered and Dizzy blushed, gazing at him lovingly. She was herself for him. Ever since she told him she was pregnant with his child they started to grow closer and eventually FPs ex-wife decided to get a divorce. Jellybean was sitting next to Justine in the crowed of people. She was hanging out with Betty and Veronica.

Jellybean was upset her dad and mom aren't going to be together anymore

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Jellybean was upset her dad and mom aren't going to be together anymore. But she started to love Dizzy as they talked like sisters more then step-mom to step-daughter. She preferred it that way. So only needed one mom. One that cared for her. Jughead did eventually call Dizzy Mom. It happened the day the Black hood showed up and scared the kids.

They all starred to love one another. Jughead, Jellybean, and Jujube were a big family. Jujube is named after Forsyth of course. But is the Forsytha Pendleton Jones II. Next to Jellybean of course. Dizzy wanted to continue the tradition.

But FP was happy about bringing another child into the world. He was even more proud of himself for being two years and seven months sober. Not once has he touched a drink unless it was a special occasion. Today was that special occasion and he was only sober because of his beautiful wife and children.

"Forsyth Pendleton Jones II, will you take Dizzella Graham Smith to be your wife?" FP nods his head still speechless. The crowd laughed a bit knowing he was and he cleared her throat. Dizzy was smiling at him. He thought she was his angel.

"Sorry." He chuckled and then sighed. "I do. Ride or Die." Dizzy smiled and looked at him with so much love in her eyes. FP swore he could feel her love.

"And do you Dizzella Graham Smith take Forsyth Pendleton Jones II to be your husband?" He asks her and Dizzy smirked and pushed his hair back. He was starting to get gray hairs. Something that was making her knees buckle. Oh, how she loved this new look on him. One that made her heart sore.

"I do. Ride or Die." Dizzy says and the priest smiled at the newly wedded couple. They were meant to be.

"Then I pronounce you husband and wife." Dizzys head spun at those words. What she wanted to hear after the birth of their child. "You may kiss your bride." FP yanked Dizzy close making her squeak and him smile as he kissed her softly to shut her up. That is until later at night.

The crowd of their friends and family all cheered. Dizzy was shocked at how soft it was. But that thought soon left her mind as FP grabbed her butt and whispered,

"That dress is so going on the floor tonight," FP says in a low voice. Dizzy was already weak to her knees just thinking about it. But FP kept her sane until it was time for them to go on their honeymoon.

Dizzella Graham Jones was now apart of FP Jones life. Ride or Die. The three words that mean more then I do. More than paper or more than a ring on a finger. To them it was special. It had meaning.

After all. Every Gang leader has to have an old Man or Lady. They were each others home. Their rock. And it all started in a trailer park as a woman dropped a box of dishes and a man offered to help her out. Green eyes meeting blue. A Hurrican crashing on the shores of the forest.

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