Chapter. 5

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      Today was Pinky's first day in high school. She was a year younger than her cousin Betty and this leaves her to fend for herself until it was lunchtime. She was slowly liking it and a lot of people wanted to be her friend because of how nice she is.

Dizzy had dropped her off and the many teenage boys had gaped at her while she sat in her car rocking out to her 80s music.

Dizzy was a very attractive woman and the teenage boys saw her as a sex goddess. She could be on playboy if she wanted. But Dizzy had respect for herself. To overly confident with what she wore and how she looked.

FP didn't complain when she showed up to the bar with ripped, baby, skinny, blue jeans. Her baggy shirt and leather jacket made her look badass and if that wasn't the cherry on top than when she showed up in her cherry red impala the boys gawked at her long tan legs leaving the car and her music was still playing.

She just had to check in for a moment. FP smirked and opened the door to go outside. His gang members following. Only because they wanted to see the beautiful eye candy in front of them.

"Hey, Mr. Jones?" She called out leaning on her cherry red door.

"What's up, Smith?" She smiled and shut the car off when the music ended. The boys were a bit disappointed but went back to drooling when she walked over. Her combat boots kicked up the dirt.

"You got a job, I can have at the bar, hotshot?" She smirks and he shook his head with a smile. This girl was hell on heels. Something that was pulling her to him.

"Mustang?" FP asked and Mustang snapped out his daydream of Dizzy.

"Uh. Yeah! The bar needs a barmaid. What do you say, Dick?" Mustang asked the bartender. He gave him a thumbs up and FP smiled.

"Looks like you got a job, Princess." Dizzy walked over closed to him and before she walked behind FP she softly said,

"I'm not a princess. I'm a fucking queen." With that, she walked over to Dick who held out an apron. "Thanks." She smiled and he nods his head.

FP couldn't help but lick his lips making them wet as she walked into the bar as if she owned it. A confident woman was the hottest thing any man could see.

Dizzy and Dick got to work passing out beers and talking with the boys. Dizzy was having fun with her new job and she got paid twenty dollars an hour. She loved it. Even the talk with the boys. They all liked her and not just for her looks either. She even met the dog named Hotdog.

Pinky was actually having fun at school when Betty and Veronica had asked her to join them on the Rivervixens cheer squad. She agreed only because she loved to dance.

Pinky shocked everyone when she danced her way into the team. Betty was shocked to see her little cousin do so well. Veronica was envious of the girl for her dance moves. She had a lot of spirit and Cheryl loved it.

Dizzy and Pinky were getting their lives together and it was good. But like all good things, they must come to an end.

Dizzy and Pinky were telling one another what happened today. P was worried about the gang bar but she was reassured that it was fine. Dizzy and Pinky just talked away as she made dinner.

FP was still at the bar wondering how the hell the bar was so loud. It was Dizzy. She got everyone energized. They were all having fun but FP was tired. So he went home to sleep it off.

"So when I danced by myself the cheer squad was shocked with my dance. Betty's face was priceless. Cheryl told me that I had talent and accepted me in quickly." Pinky explained laughing.

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