Chapter. 19

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     Wind. Why was it windy? That was what Dizzy asked herself as she stood waiting for her brother and the other men. They were just almost near the end of South side.

FP was talking to Dick and Tallboy. Mustang had to grab some gas before he ran out. Leaving the ready of the boys here. Sweet Pea and Toni were laughing at a joke making Dizzy feel a little bit better and less tense.

A few more minutes passed by before the rumbling of the bikes wee heard. Echoing off the buildings. The ground shook and left that tingling feeling in her chest. It felt good.

"They're here!" Tallboy yelled out and all of the boys stood up straight. Toni just leaned against her bike waiting for something to happen. Anything.

Jax and the boys where here. Daniel, Jason, Marty. When they out there kickstand up and let the bike lean in it, they were off to give Dizzy a hug right away.

"How's it going little D?" Marty asked patting her back. Dizzy smile and tossed her head jokingly. He chuckled and then his face got serious.

"We have a rat in the den." Daniel says and Jason nods his head at that. "So how are we gonna do this? Beat the snot out if everyone until they had enough?" He asked leaning on his bike and crossing his arms over his chest.

"No. I know who the rat is already." Everyone was shocked. Except FP and the Serpents. She already told them. FP was there anyways. "Remember a certain man named Clay Morrow?" The name rolled off her tounge like venom, the guys backed up a bit as if she burned them in the process of telling them.

"That little shit?" Don in the back asked. Daniel sighed and shook his head.

"His fucking son tried to kill Bill. That's why he isn't here. He's in the god damn hospital." Daniel wasn't happy. "Apparently he has an army of sons a few states back. We can't go Sons against Sons. It will be to confusing to see who is on who's side." He finishes saying and the men nod their heads.

"This guy is good with his words Diz. He gathered half of the sons in just a few weeks." John says with a sneering look painted in his face. Dizzy sighed and shook her head.

"That's why we're here." FP says capturing the attention of everyone. "The Sons against Sons will be confusing. But it won't be if you all are temporary Serpents." Dizzys eyes widned as she turned to face him full on. He looked at her and nods his head. "The boys and I have discussed this. If you are willing to become allies then we will help you. We won't be Sons and you won't be Serpents. But we can work together." FP finished saying as Tallboy nods his head at John and Marty. Jax stood up from his bike and looked at The other boys. They looked as if they were debating.

"Dizzella?" Jax called her out. She turned her gaze from FP to Jax. "Are you willing to create this partnership?" She thought about it. This could be good for both of them. So she nods her head and Jax smiles at FP. "Alright. Tomorrow we make the contract. For today, we discus about what we're gonna do to Clay and his son." Jax finishes and all men agreed.

It was awkward for a moment as everyone had just looked at one another. If Dizzy didn't know better these boys were looking as if they were waiting the first person to start a rumble. "Who's hungry?" Dizzy asked everyone and they all cheered as if she had said a long ass speech. But she also knew they just loved her food.


Back at the trailer FP was talking to Jax and the other leaders of the Sons. California, Louisiana, North Dakota, and Florida. If they get New York then they would be pretty powerful.

Dizzy stole FPs grill as she fired up hamburgers and hotdogs for the guys. They had chips, soda and beer all set up. Franky, Justine, Jughead, and Pinky were all in or group talking. Apparently Betty broke up with Jug leaving him with Franky. To which she had told him she liked him after they had a heated argument...he was still confused as to why he was getting so much attention from girls. It was unorthodox for him, he even told Betty he was weird and he was already getting more attention.

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