Better Than Words

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Niall's POV

I went to Alyson's flat right before the clock striked to 2 pm. I fell asleep and I had forgotten about my promise to Aly that I will tour her around the place and hang out. I alighted the car and walked to the doorstep. I pressed the button and the door bell went ringing. I stood there for awhile before the door opened, a few minutes later.

"Niall!" Aly exclaimed and she hugged me. She pulled away right after a few seconds. "Jeez. I'm sorry. I forgot you're coming over."

I chuckled. "No it's fine. I actually had forgotten about it too. I was sleeping and I woke up remembering what we agreed with this morning,"

"Oh, I see." She said with a smile. "That happened to me as well too. But, I am not yet prepared. I just woke up."

I looked to what she was wearing and chuckled. "Yeah. You don't want to walk around the place wearing pajama's."

"I would not dare to," she says. "Oh come in. Come in." she said and went to the side, making way for me to come in. As soon as I did get inside, I was mesmerized with how clean the place is.

"You'll surely beat Harry and Louis when it comes to cleanliness. Those two are messy. They will cry when they see this." I said.

I heard the door creak and close. "Well, I could clean their place up if they want to,"

"Trust me. You'll end up frustrated and angry a few days after. It will just return to the same state before you cleaned it. So I highly suggest, do not do that. I used to do that with Liam but our efforts ends up into nothing because it ended up really messy a few days later and what's worse? It is messier than it was before."

"Thank you for the flash bulletin," she laughed. "I should remember that starting from now on,"

"A friendly reminder from Niall Horan," I said in an announcer voice to which she laughed.

"You could be a really good announcer, you know?" she told me.

"Well, I guess I do but then I belong to a band. Being an announcer someday is quite impossible to fill in." I said to which she chuckled.

"One day, I am pretty sure that you will be an announcer." she said as I sat down on the couch. "I'll just change as fast as I can and we're good to go,"

"Make sure to get a shower." I teased.

"Whatever dude," she said and went upstairs. "And before I could forget, make yourself at home okay? There's food in the fridge. It was stocked already as soon as I arrived home. I don't know how to eat it all."

"Consider it done," I said with a wink. "By the time you are done with shower and dressing up and you come down, you've ran out of food already. I swear that to you."

"Use up that space idiot," she said with her trademark laugh and left, disappearing from my sight. I stood out from my seat and went to the kitchen and raided her refrigerator. I opened it, only to make me shocked with how full it is. I saw that it really was stocked with lots of food and my stomach grumbled with the sight of them.

"Jesus," I mumbled as I rummaged through the food inside. I took out some chips and ate them out. I brought it to the living room and ate it all alone. I switched the TV on and switched to some channels before finding a very good show.

I just sat there and eating. I enjoyed eating and the show in the TV that I never noticed how long I was there, seated, eating and watching the show.

After what felt like a forever, I heard a door creak open from the upstairs. I smiled because I knew, Aly is done. And I wasn't wrong because I heard footsteps descend from the stairs.

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