The Unseen

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Niall's POV

I walked inside the room where Aly is. It has been three days when I did not come around to visit her and as well when she suddenly went black. What just happened to her just made me petrified. It was something I don't want to see anymore since Sasha died.

There, I saw Aly asleep. The lads had told me that Aly does not speak anymore since it was already hard. She tried to, once. But the doctor suggested that it is would be nice if she would not talk for now so that she can rest and don't get stressed to much.

Harry was always beside her. Liam told me that Harry's hurting; obviously because the lad likes Aly ever since they met. Harry would smile when one of us mentions her name and it would be pathetic of us that we did not see the signs that he's actually having this huge crush on Aly.

"Niall," That was Harry. I did not notice him turn his head to me. I smiled.

"Hi mate," I greeted as I closed the door silently. I made my way to him and tapped his shoulder. 'How's Aly?" I asked.

"She's doing pretty well," he answered as we both looked at Aly who was peacefully asleep with still an oxygen mask. The doctors are still afraid for her because anytime, since her body hasn't got used to the new organ, she might have a hard time to breathe and might not catch up.

"Did you tell her about her heart?" I asked. He nodded.

"Liam and I explained it to her. She just listened. But she was crying and she has this very painful expression painted on her face when we told her that it's from Sasha. Louis thinks that she is blaming herself why she died," He answered as I saw Harry squeeze her hand and kissed the back of it.

"I see," I said. I looked once again to Aly. "Did Mr. and Mrs Wright came here already?" I asked.

"Yeah, 2 days ago. They don't want to leave because they wanted to make sure Aly is doing well. They have a business meeting in France and they are afraid to leave because something wrong might happen with Aly, considering that they think of her already as a daughter,"

"When are they coming back?"

"As soon as possible," Harry answered. Then there was silence. All I could hear is the sound that comes from the machine inside the room. Then I saw Aly's finger move and she stirred a little. She slowly then opened her eyes. She then smiled weakly.

"Hey," I greeted her. "How are you feeling Aly?" I asked. She just smiled and I bet she meant that she is okay. "That's good to know," I told her that made her smile widen.

"Where are the lads?" Harry asked.

"Liam, Louis and Zayn are still somewhere. They're not together. Zayn's missing in action while Liam and Louis are having a break somewhere we usually are," I answered. "But they're coming here,"

"Yeah,' He said. "We have a concert tomorrow and I'm quite afraid that no one is going to take care of Aly,"

"It's just one night," That was Aly, saying it above a whisper. I looked to her and so is Harry. "There is nothing to worry Harry," she added.

"Ssssh," he said. "Save that energy okay?" Harry said. She nodded. Then the door opened. Liam, Louis and Zayn came inside without looking at us, but chattering amongst them.

"I know she's already awake," Louis said, as Liam and Zayn looked to him. "Trust me," he added then turned his head to our direction. I could hear Aly chuckling, despite of the oxygen mass on her face.

"She's awake!" Louis exclaimed and started to dance like an idiot as Zayn and Liam shot him a disgusting look. He turned to the two, still dancing. "See? She is awake! I told you!" he keep on dancing that made me shook my head. Louis is still Louis. "I won!"

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