summercamp | stiles

Start from the beginning

You showed up in a bikini top and shorts whilst Stiles was wearing knee-length swimming shorts and no t-shirt, revealing his amazingly toned body that you had to stop yourself from staring at him.

"Hey, y/n." Stiles said as he sidled up next to you.

"Hi, Stiles." You smiled up at him since he was at least a head taller than you.

"Haven't seen you in a while, are you having fun?" He asked, keeping his eyes on yours.

"Yes! Are you?" You asked as you watched the other volunteers jump into the lake.

"Of course." He grinned with a twinkle in his eyes.

Your team was up next, before you walked away Stiles stopped you, "y/n! There's a mets game on tonight and I was wondering if you wanted to watch it with me?"

At the mention of the mets you smiled widely, "you had me at mets."

Stiles felt his heart skip a beat as you smiled, "great! Uh, I'll find you later." He said as he gestured for you to go join your team who were waiting for you.

Later that day as the sky went dark, you had showered and changed into a short dress as it was still extremely hot outside.

Deciding to wait for Stiles outside, you headed to the unlit camp fire and sat on one of the log benches.

Stiles was wandering around the camp until he spotted you, "y/n!"

You turned as you heard his voice, smiling at the sight of him.

He brandished his laptop as he walked over to you, "ready to watch the mets?"

"Is that even a question?" You joked, moving over so that he could sit next to you.

Stiles just laughed, opening his laptop. You glanced over at his background and saw him standing next to another teenage boy with brown hair and a crooked jaw.

"That's Scott, my best friend." He smiled sheepishly.

"That's a really cute photo of you, Stiles," you smiled, "your friend's pretty cute too." You teased.

He blushed slightly but it was barely noticeable under the darkness of the sky, "thanks, y/n."

He opened one of many tabs he had open and pressed play on the live stream of the game.

You scooted closer to him and rested your head on his shoulder as you watched, you couldn't see the huge grin on his face as you did.

When the mets won he let out a near squeal, "yes!"

You chuckled against his shoulder, "you're so cute when you get excited over the mets."

"What can I say? I'm a fanboy for them." He laughed.

Once the game had finished he closed his laptop and placed it carefully back into his bag.

"That was really nice, Stiles, thank you." You said as you sat up.

"Oh, no problem! There was no way I was gonna miss a mets game being here." He replied.

You checked the time on your watch and noticed it was nearly midnight, "we should head back..."

Stiles nodded, "yeah, probably... let me walk you back to your cabin?"

Your lips automatically curved into a smile, "sure."

As you were walking back besides Stiles your arms touched occasionally, making each of you smile to yourselves.

Standing outside the door to your cabin you turned to Stiles, "well, this is me."

"Yeah..." Stiles said quietly, he looked like he was debating something as his eyes flickered from your eyes to your lips quickly.

You began to feel nervous as you figured out what he wanted to do but he seemed to back out at the last moment.

Without hesitation you stepped onto your tiptoes and kissed him, it was only meant to be a quick kiss but Stiles deepened it by slipping his arms around your waist and pulling you towards him. The kiss was sweet and for some reason tasted like strawberries, when you pulled away you giggled slightly, "have you been eating strawberries, Stiles?"

"Oh god, is that bad? I'm sorry, I've been kind of addicted to them lately." He admitted shyly.

"It's not bad at all... I liked it." You smiled.

Stiles smiled, his honey-brown eyes staring into yours, "well, um, I better get going..." he said as he stepped back, "I'll see you tomorrow, y/n," he muttered, scratching his neck nervously, "good night!"

"Good night, Stiles." You said as you watched him head towards his cabin, nearly stumbling which made you chuckle to yourself.

As you opened the door to your cabin quietly you couldn't help but smile at the thought of how perfect the rest of the summer would be.


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