"No" I shake my head. "They need you at the farm."

His eyes land on mine. He was becoming tense again, nothing I was saying was preventing it. I don't want to leave but someone has to do this. It's my job and he knows that.

"I'll see you guys at home."

Home. That is the first time I have called it home.


I look back and watch Daryl take his crossbow back around his body.

"Take care of yourself." He tells me.

"Always do, sunshine." I can't help but smile. Through everything going on he could still somehow manage to make me smile, even at a stupid nickname.

Now it's all about timing. I don't know where Shane is taking Rick, I don't know where to even start to look. Wherever it may be, it's not on the east side of the woods. All I know to do is run until I find them.

Rick couldn't leave this group like this. Shane couldn't take away Carl's father and Lori's husband if he cared for her as much as he claims. No one else could fill Rick's position, especially Shane.

I hear voices and stop dead in my tracks. I hear them again. They are getting further away and I can't tell which direction they're going. Northwest? I start running again. It's absolutely pointless to look for anyone this time of night.

The only piece of unusual land is an open field back toward the farm. I hobble around the perimeter making sure I don't leave any possibility overturned. Then I see them.

"At least have the balls to call this what it is" I catch Rick's figure. He puts his gun in his holster, turning to who I'm assuming is Shane. I can only see their shadows. "Murder."

I get my gun out, scoping out for a steady aim just incase.

"You really believe if you walk back onto that farm with no me, no Randall-"

"I want you to hush up."

"You really believe they're gonna buy whatever bullshit story you cook up?"

"It ain't no story. You see I saw that prisoner shoot you down, I ran after him, I snapped his neck. It ain't gonna be easy but Lori and Carl will get over you. They done it before. They're just gonna have to."

I knew this man was a psychotic maniac. From the moment I met him I had my suspicion.

His gun raises to Rick right between his eyes. I tighten the grip on the handle, ready for anything. I don't believe he will have the audacity to shoot Rick but no surprises.

"Why? I thought we worked this all out?"

"We tried to kill each other man." Shane laughs in his face. "What you think? We just gonna forget about it all and ride off into the sunset together?"

"You gonna kill me in cold blood? Screw my wife." Rick's voice croaks. "Have my children call you daddy? Is that what you want?"

"That life won't be worth a damn. I know you and you won't be able to live with this"

Rick with his reasoning. He has to have learned by now that nothing is going to get through Shane's thick skull.

"What you know about what I can live with? You got no idea 'bout what I live with. You wanna talk about what I can do Rick?" He shoves his gun down in the front of his pants. "How about what you can do? Here I am. C'mon man raise your gun." He throws his arms in the air.

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