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"So Glenn, how many people are at your camp?" I ask over the alarm again, trying to find conversation with this guy.

"There's a lot, we have several different families" He says.

"Hmm" I hum. My bow was pushing on the seat, causing the amount of pressure to push roughly into my shoulder. I take it off and lay it down in the floor board between my feet, keeping it close at all times.

He continues to get faster with a giant grin spread across his face. I chuckle at him, making him smile grow and he starts yelling in excitement.

"Wooo!" He screams out of his window.

We speed down the interstate and a small object in the road comes right in sight. We gain up on the vehicle and Glenn lays on the horn and we zoom around them.

"Woo hoo!" He yells even louder than before. I shake my head at his behavior.

I catch a glimpse of Glenn out the corner of my eye and his eyes meet mine. He continues to grin with the adrenaline he is feeling and I give him a half smile. I kneel in that moment I could trust him. I couldn't lay my finger on it. but something was telling me that he was a good person; a decent guy. He is just a young man trying his best to make some good out of all of this shit.

We pull off of the main road and down a little dirt trail. We go a few miles down the beaten path before he turns off on another road and pulls behind an old, rustic white broke down van and slams on the breaks. I try to quickly take in my surroundings. An RV sits directly in front of us and tents are scattered everything around the hand made fire pits. Everyone is gathered in front of the RV, looking directly at us. Glenn switches the car off and the alarm still doesn't stop. He hops out of his seat and I follow shortly behind him.

"What the hell!" I hear someone say quietly. Everyone in sight rushes over to our car. Some people look at me in sever curiosity but I was still not noticed by the majority.

"Holy crap, turn that damn thing off" An older man standing on top of the RV yells at Glenn.

"I don't know how" He yells back. At least he's honest. 

"Where's my sister?" A blonde teenage girls comes up and starts hammering him with questions. "What about Andrea? Where is she? Is she okay?"

"Yes, yes she's fine-"

"Pop the damn hood Glenn" A middle aged guy with curly brown hair yells at him next. "Now!"

"Okay, I am" He scoffs. He yanks opens the door and pops the hood like he was instructed.

Another middle aged man pushes the hood up and looks around quickly. He reaches down and pulls something out and the alarm quits going off.

"Where is she? Why isn't she with you?" The blonde girl asks again.

"Yeah everyone's fine." Glenn confirms for everyone. "Well, Merle not so much" He says but no one acknowledges it.

"Are you crazy driving this thing up here? You tryin' to attract every walker for miles?" The curly haired man yells at Glenn.

The other man who fixed the alarm closes the hood, being the first person to notice my presence.

"Shane" He smacks his arm against the guy standing beside him. He was too busy yelling at Glenn to notice, so he smacks him again.

kalopsia. { the walking dead / daryl dixon } Where stories live. Discover now