Vacation Time

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Lana's POV
"Can i help pack"
"Are you actually going to help"
"Okay then yes you can help"We were leaving for our trip to Capri tonight and Calvin's been trying to keep us both awake and what better way than to finish packing last minute.
Can i put socks in here I mumbled and Calvin shot his hand out.
No he yelled and I jumped.
Sorry I whispered.
"No baby it's okay i'm sorry i just have something special in here"
"Really daddy"
"Yes but you can't peak"
"Okay daddy i be good girl"
"Yes you are"He took the socks from me and I rubbed my eyes.
"Ready for a short nap baby"
"Yes daddy"He carried me into my room and I fussed.
"Sh baby it's only for an hour and maybe if your good daddy will get you an ice cream"
"Okie daddy"
"Now here's Teddy and your blankey..goodnight muffin i'll come wake you in a bit"
"Okie daddy"He kissed my hair and shut my door softly.
Calvin's POV
I finished my suitcase and put it by the couch.Lana's was almost done i was just waiting for her new clothes to be finished drying.I folded all her clothes and packed them away.I packed her ipad and a couple pacis and sippy's.I made sure her medicine was in her bag and that I had her portable charger ready in case the ipad needed it.I packed one in for myself too and her sketch pad and colored pencils just in case she didn't want to use her ipad.I made sure i had my laptop and some snacks for the plane ride even though there would be some on the plane.I peaked in on her to see her napping peacefully.I grabbed her brush and some hair accessories.I laid out her outfit for the plane since i never changed her out of her jammies.I picked out a pair of leggings and a cotton shirt.I laid out one of my sweatshirts and her winter coat and hat.I also sat her converse on the floor knowing she would want to wear them.I packed the car and took a hot shower getting dressed for the plane ride.
Lana baby wake up I whispered as I tapped her gently.Her eyes opened slowly and shut again.
Daddy i sleepy she whimpered.
"I know baby let's get you dressed and daddy will let you sleep some more"She was no help but sat up willingly as I dressed her and let her lay back down.I put jacket on and zipped her up.I slipped her shoes on and she whined when i picked her up.
Sh muffin go back to sleep I murmured.She curled into my neck as I covered her with her blanket and held Teddy in my free hand tucking him between our chests.The girls were playing with Nala in the living room squealing and giggling.Caleb drove Lana and myself to the airport and Lana started to cry when I woke her up to go through security.
"Sh muffin just a couple minutes"I buckled her into the plane seat and did the same for myself.We were in first class thankfully so i didn't have to worry about a stranger next to Lana.She nuzzled into my arms and I stroked her hair after i took off her hat and coat.
"Muffin look outside we are over the ocean"She was coloring and muching on some goldfish.She looked out the window and whimoered.
Sh muffin daddy's got you I murmured.She snuggled into me.
"Should we watch a movie baby"
"Yes please daddy what movie you brings"
"Um whatever movies are on your ipad"
"Okie dokie daddy"Daddy helped me with my head phones and set up The Lion King.
"Ooh daddy i have juicey please"
"Of course baby"The stewardess handed me a juice box and i paid for it poking the hole in it and holding it while Lana took slow sips.
"Baby don't drink it all at once"
"Yes daddy"
Lana's POV
We snuggled under my blanket and watched the lion king.I knew daddy was probably going to fall asleep since daddy didn't nap with me.Soon enough he was asleep snoring away.I giggled and drank my juice box as the lion king sang Can You Feel The Love Tonight.
"Daddy where are we"
"In our hotel room baby girl"
"Daddy room is bery big"
"Yes baby girl it is are you hungry"
"Yes daddy I have eggs and bacon please"
"Of course muffin do you want some juicey too"
"Yes yes daddy please"I watched daddy speak fluent Italian and I bit my bottom lip.
"Ho bisogno di due uova strapazzate con grano pane tostato un lato di pancetta e una frittata di spinaci ai funghi con contorno una salsiccia anche un succo d'arancia(I need two eggs scrambled with wheat toast a side of bacon and a mushroom spinach omelette with a side of sausage also an Orange Juice)"
"Sì signore noi ve lo consegneremo in venti minuti alla vostra camera
(yes sir we will deliver it in twenty minutes to your room)"
"Grande grazie(Great thank you)"He hung up the phone and I smirked at him.
"What are you smirking at baby girl"
"Daddy you so sexy"
"Thank you baby girl"Daddy combed through my bed head and we ate our breakfast.
What do you want to do today baby just relax and go to the beach or go sight seeing"
"Sight see daddy"
"Hm what do you tell daddy"
"Daddy you bestest daddy ever"
"Well dadxy was thinking please and a kissy but he will accept that"I giggled and daddy dressed me some  cute floral shorts with a pretty lavender shirt.
"Look how beautiful my baby girl looks"
Yes daddy I giggled twirling as we left our room.
Daddy took me into some nice shops and bought me anything I begged him for.They were mostly souvenirs.We were on a boat tour with other people and I whimpered holding daddy's hand tightly.A lady gave me a mean look as daddy pulled me into his arms snuggling me.
Daddy she's giving me mean look I whispered and he patted my bottom.
Just ignore her muffin he murmured.I whimpered when the lady walked over to us standing in front of daddy.I sucked my thumb nervously wishing I had my paci.
Scusa ma cosa stai facendo è disgustoso una donna adulta che agisce come un bambino come immaturo( excuse me but what your doing is disgusting a grown woman acting like a toddler how immature) She exclaimed and I felt daddy's body tense in anger.
Mi dispiace ma ho chiesto il tuo parere irrilevante. Io amo e allora è se hai un problema con esso non mi interessa cagna(I'm sorry but did I ask for your irrelevant opinion.I'm in love and so is she if you have a problem with it I don't care bitch) Daddy snarled and I whimpered clinging to him as the lady stormed off.
"Sh baby girl it's okay daddy didn't mean to yell that lady made me very upset"
Daddy scary I whimpered.
"I know baby but it's okay I promise daddy loves you with everything he has and always will Okay"
"Yes daddy I love you too"

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