"Good, you're okay!" I exclaim, moving closer to him. I wrap my arms around him and hug him tightly. "I was worried about you."

"Did you think Cronus would come after me?" he asks, wrapping his arms around me to embrace me back. He is quite warm today.

I nod my head a bit. "I thought he would come tracking you down because I betrayed him. I don't want him coming near you, Parad. I worry about you a lot."

"I know you do."

I pull back a bit and look up at his face. "I thought I would come here and find you two in a fight. I left the CR as fast as I could by telling them I would be looking for people playing Kamen Rider Chronicle. I had to lie to them in order to meet up with you."

"You're always sneaking away aren't you?" He chuckles, smirking slightly. "I wonder how they can't figure out that you're quite wonderful at lying. You're like a genius liar. Minus when you show your feelings on your face. You just need to focus on acting."

"They didn't think about me coming to see you." I remove my arms from around his waist and bring a hand to his face, touching his cheek gently. "I was so worried about you. I barely got any sleep last night because of my thoughts of you."

"You must really love me."

"I really do love you."

"Then how about we get back together?"

"Are you sure about that, Parad?" He wouldn't want me if he knew what I was doing with Masamune. I'm sure that'll disgust him. Even I'm disgusted with myself. Well, a part of me is.

"I am sure about it. You have shown your true colors to me recently. Your loyalty to me means a lot," he answers. "I didn't know how far you would go for me until you worked for Cronus. I...I was stunned when you started to. I can't describe how I felt."

"I'm always going to be loyal to you. At least from now on I will be," I tell him, removing my hand from his face. I hold out my hand and he takes it, holding onto it gently. "I'm sorry that I left you after Kuroto died. I shouldn't have done that, Parad. We're meant to be together."

He smiles. "Yeah, we are. And don't worry, Kara, all is forgiven. I don't mind that you left me. It gave me time to understand you a bit better along with other Humans."

"It did?"

"Yeah, it did."

"I am glad I did then."

"So, are you going to tell everyone about us?"

I shake my head. "It isn't their business."

"Damn right," Parad says, chuckling. "How is Kuroto doing with you?"

"Uh...the usual. We're just strained still," I answer. "We show signs of affection but it isn't like before. We haven't like actually fully kissed. We have kissed but not like the good kind of kiss. The really, really romantic kind of kiss."

"I'll give you whatever you want," Parad says, bending down. He places his lips against mine, closing his eyes and looking so beautiful. He is one beautiful Bugster boy.

"What do we have here? True love?" I break away from Parad.

"Huh? That voice..." I turn to the entrance, my eyes landing on a girl who is taller than me and has brownish-black hair. "M-mom?"

A smile grows on her face as she steps forward. "Didn't you miss me, Kara? Why haven't you come back home yet to see me? Don't you have something to report to me?" Her outfit...she's wearing the Foundation X outfit! Masamune wasn't lying about her being part of it.

Kamen Rider AOE (Kamen Rider Ex-Aid Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now