"Can't you hurry up and take off my shirt?" I ask, raising my voice a bit. I'm very, very impatient when it comes to these things. If someone wants to bang me, they better get to the banging.

"You're going to have to suffer."

"Whatever." I'm not beneath acting childish before or during sex.

"Now, back to what I want to do." He looks me over. "You look really good today despite getting your butt kicked by me."

"Stop being PG."

"Okay, you look really good today for someone who got their ass kicked by me." Much better.

"That is nice to hear for once. You usually keep yourself calm, Masamune. How about you don't keep yourself calm for this? If you want to hit me, I won't complain. I don't mind getting spanked." I had Kuroto spank me a few times before but that was when I was having a threesome with him and Parad. Who knew I could handle two guys at once?

"I bet you allowed Dangerous Zombie to do that to you. Did it satisfy you?"

"I'm always hungry." I'm a lustful person, surprisingly. Or not so surprisingly.

He looks me in the eyes, smirking slightly. "I know you are. I have seen the way you look at those two men you have been with. You don't give the same look to Taddle Legacy."

"I give you that look."

"I know you do. You'll deny it though."

"I know." I nod my head. "I know." I feel like crying right now.

"Did you want to use protection today?"

I shake my head. "I don't want anyone seeing you out getting it," I answer. "I doubt I'll get pregnant anyways. Out of every encounter I have had, nothing has happened. I don't think it is possible for me to. I'm not worried about it anymore."

"You know what? When a girl says that, they usually end up pregnant."

"I don't care if I do. I have no worries about that right now." And if I end up pregnant, I have options. Like running away with the child and hiding from Kuroto for the rest of my life. I might consider taking Parad with me when I run off with a child.

"Then I won't have any protection during this. As long as you don't care if we don't use it, I'm okay with not using it. I just don't want you having issues with me over something you decided yourself. I am doing my job by judging you during this encounter."

I hold back a laugh. "Yeah, sure."

"Anything else we should discuss before I get rough with you?"

"How rough are you going to go with me?"

"Very rough."

I nod my head. "Yeah, I want that." That sounds nice.

He brings his face closer to mine and looks me in the eyes and then at my lips. He kisses me roughly and I kiss him back, wanting all of him. I don't know how much longer I can hide this relationship. I'm hoping that it'll be for the rest of my life.

He pulls back and moves a hand to my face, holding onto it a bit roughly. He is forcing me to look him in the eyes. He is so menacing sometimes. It turns me on.

"Kara, is this what you really want? Do you really want to end this business relationship? You haven't been working that long at Genm Corporation."

"I want it to end because I am tired of pretending to be someone I'm not. I can't do it anymore...I just can't." Tears fill my eyes and pour over, raining down my cheeks. "I know I get to see you...but that isn't enough anymore."

Kamen Rider AOE (Kamen Rider Ex-Aid Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now