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Dan had gone out to do some shopping and I was watching the television with Phil. My phone began to ring from the kitchen, where I left it this morning, and I went into the kitchen to answer it. I paced up and down the hallway as I talked on the phone with my aunt.

"Hey Arizona." Her soft voice spoke.

"Hey, what's going on?" I asked.

"Well, it's some bad news." She said hesitantly.

"Yeah..?" I said, wanting her to continue.

"Hailee was in a bad car accident with her boyfriend Ryan-" She said sniffling, then continuing, "She's fighting for her life." Aunt Clara said, referring to Hailee as my cousin. She broke down in tears.

"Oh god. I'm so sorry." I said, my voice starting to crack.

"The doctor just came in. I'll call you back." She said, then hanging up.

I went back into the living room and sat on the sofa. I told Phil what had happened and as I tell him, the information starts to sink in and I couldn't help but burst into tears.

"I'm just tired of everyone close to me have bad things happen to them." I cried. I was getting better at taking in things like this, but it always gets me.

Phil pulled me close and gives me a cuddle, holding me as I cry into his chest.

I heard the door open and Dan walked in, "Hey guys I'm ho-" He cut himself off as his eyes widen and mouth opens. "What's going on here?" He asked, getting protective and walking over to us both.

I let go of Phil, "Dan, stop it's not what you think!" Phil said. Dan saw the tears in my eyes and realized this as he pulled me into his arms immediately.

"What happened?" He asked Phil. Phil explained as Dan hugged me tightly, rubbing up and down my back and whispering soothing words.

"It's gonna be okay." He cooed.

Later that night, after staying curled up with Dan and when I was feeling a little more like myself, I looked over to Dan, who was sitting beside me on his laptop. I smirk at him, "You were jealous earlier, weren't you?" I asked. His face shone of embarassment.

"Me? No! Pshh, of course not." He said, not looking directly at me. I smirked and nodded my head, "Oh no, of course not." I said, watching him flush red. I took his laptop away from him and sat on top of his lap. This caught him off guard as he squirmed a little under me. I honestly didn't know what had came over me.

"I hope you know I would never cheat on you." I said to him.

"I know, I just- I don't really know what I thought." He told me.

"You were jealous." I corrected him while leaning down and kissing him. He propped himself up against the headboard of the bed. It got heated quickly. I began to unbutton his pants and that's where he stopped me.

"Are you sure?" He asked in a concerned tone, eyebrows furrowed.

"I'm positive." I told him, looking him straight in the eyes and he knew I meant it.

A smirk grew on Dan's face. In one swift motion, he flipped me over to where he was above me. He went for my neck, leaving trails of kisses and marks that would come up in the morning.

"I've wanted to do this for so long." He said in between kisses, dragging out his speech at the end. I was giggling at his need, which left him smiling. We were doing so much at once. Kissing, tangling our fingers in hair, throwing clothes off of each other. We were both in our knickers now, Dan still above me. I ran my finger down his happy trail, making him giggle.

I didn't want to be holding himself up the whole time, so I pushed him down and sat on top of him again. I could feel him becoming more hard as I was on top of him. He sat back up and undid my bra. I saw his eyes get wider. I pulled off his boxers and found myself staring at his hard length.

"Can you give me a condom out of that drawer?" He laughed. I reached over to the table next to his bed and grabbed one out. He started touching my boobs, which made me giggle while I gave him the condom and he put it on. We were just a giggling mess as we were discovering each other for the first time.

When he put the condom on, he was above me once again, sliding off my panties.

"This is gonna hurt, but it will get better, I promise." He said, then he entered.

Pain and pleasure ran through my nerves to my brain, causing me to moan. It hurt so badly, but at the same time, felt amazing and so different. He put his lips on mine and it began to feel better.

In minuets, he had me moaning his name and just loving every second of him being as close to me as he could. He was making me feel things I've never felt before.

We finished at about the same time, me then him. He laid down next to me.

"God, I love you." He said breathlessly.

"I love you, too." I replied, "That was amazing."

"It really was." He smiled. He got up out of bed after kissing my temple. He went to the bathroom and I got up and put my knickers back on. I threw on his uni jumper, which was on the floor. Dan came out in his boxers of many colors. I went in and brushed my teeth and threw my hair up. We both laid down in bed, Dan throwing is arms around me.

"I love you." I told him.

"I love you, too." He said while he gave me a peck on my cheek. We fell asleep cuddled in each other's arms.

(ooo sex. yeah, i've never written a sexy scene, so it kinda sucks. sorryy.


bad luck // dan howellTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang