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Staring unemotionally at my bedroom ceiling for hours on end was comforting. No one around, just me.

The scene was horrible. Dan and I getting there right before the paramedics, me running upstairs to find Phil at the bedroom door not wanting to go in. But, I got through. Sadie was sobbing uncontrollably on the floor made me understand.

My mum laid on the bed, pills in one hand, scrapbook in the other. Her face was peaceful, her body was dead.

It's kinda funny, how I had that dream. It was like a 6th sense or some shit.

The paramedics ran in and I was pushed off of my mum. The looks on their faces told me she was dead. Dan came to the door and I got up and buried my face into Dan's chest, letting the tears and sobs out. He wrapped his arms around me tightly and laid his head on mine. We were shuffled out of the room when they wrapped her up in a body bag.

I was alone in this bedroom. I was alone in my flat. We're all still grieving, but unlike me, Sadie can't be alone. She had been with Phil for a few days. I haven't seen Dan in a day or two and it's really taking a toll on me. He would check up on me, but he knew I would just want to be alone for just a bit.

I heard my front door open and close, footsteps, my door opened. Dan flashed me a smile when his eyes met mine.

"Were you thinking of going out? You did your makeup." He asked me as he walked over to sit next to me.

"I don't know." I shrugged.

"I miss seeing you everyday." He said out of the blue.

"Well, babe, I just kinda want to be alone. Helps me think." I told him matter of factly.

"Well, babe, I don't want to be alone and I don't want you to be alone. You just need to be with people, it will make you feel better."

"How do you know? You only say that because that's how Sadie has to deal with it. I don't." I snapped.

Dan grabbed my hand, "I've lost someone close to me before, so I think I would know. And, when your dad died, you were left alone and you broke down in the middle of the pavement. So, I think you shouldn't be alone." He said sternly, but his eyes were soft.

He was right, actually.

I nodded in agreement. Dan got up and pulled me up with him. He engulfed me in a hug. I buried my face into his neck, taking in his scent, which I missed. I looked up at him and he crashed his lips on mine. I missed his lips so bad. We pulled away and he led me into the living room. Sitting down one the couch with crisps, Dan wrapped a blanket around us. He clicked on the telly and played one of my recorded Adventure Time shows. I nuzzled my head onto his chest as he ran his fingers through my long locks. His smell was amazing.

He was right, this did make me more comfortable and it made me feel better. His rhythmic breathing made me tiresome. The last words I heard before I dozed off was, "I love you.". I fell asleep smiling and grateful that he was here for me.

5 Months Later

"Daniel, get your lazy ass up!" I scream-whispered into his ear as I sat on top of him. He groaned.

"Babe," he said in a small voice, "it's 10. There is not way in hell I am getting up."

Dan was partying last night, which left me with Sadie and Phil.

But, no. They had to go out on a dinner date. They are finally together, thank god, we thought they would never date.

"Please." I begged with a pouty face. He opened his eyes up just a bit, but closed them quickly and shook his head, "Nope, it's too bright."

I lent down and kissed him, "Now?" He opened his eyes and a smile spread across his face.

"Maybe." He said as he pulled me closer for more. I stopped him, "Only of you get up." I said, getting off of him. He looked defeated but got up anyways.

I went into the kitchen to make some breakfast.

Sadie was sprawled out on one end of the tiny sofa, Phil on the other end. There was the xbox controllers in the floor.

I grabbed the pancake mix and made pancakes for everyone.

When I was done, Dan walked in and grabbed 3 pancakes, lathered them in syrup, and sat at the bar. I sat in front of him with 2 pancakes. I scrolled through my phone while I ate.

"Hey," Dan said, "can I ask you something?"


"You're here like, 95% of the time anyways," he said while we ate the pancakes I made, "don't you think it would be easier if you just..."

I looked at him with wide eyes, watching his cheeks turn pink. "You want me to... move in?"

He raised an eyebrow. "I mean... yeah. Yeah, I'd like that."

A giant smile came to my face and ran over to him and hugged him.

"I love you!" I said.

"I love you, too." He said back, hugging me tighter, "Then it's settled. You officially live with me now." He said and I nodded happily.

We spent the rest of the day doing our own thing. Dan was on the sofa, and I was in the kitchen getting food, as always. It was around 9 now and I laid on the couch with Dan, my laptop next to me and a bag of crisps in my lap. I was shopping on PacSun for some new sweaters and skinny jeans since it was November.

I had a lot of money now, since I am the only child and I got all of my parent's savings. Add all of that to my previous savings equals a shit ton of money.

The thunder clapped in the sky, my head immediately shot to the window. I closed my laptop and went to look out. Lightning flashed and my breath hitched. I hated storms.

Everything went off, lights, telly, everything, pitch black.

I heard Dan hop up, "Ari, where are you?" I tried to walk to his voice, but I ran into the coffee table.

"Ow, fuck." I said, "I just ran into the coffee table." I wandered around the room, arms out from me.

"Where are you?" I said, returning his question. I bumped into something, arms wrapped around me. Instantly, I knew it was Dan.

"Right here." He whispered. There was more shuffling and a thud.

"Guys, don't move. I can't find my glasses." Phil said and we laughed. The lights flicked on and Phil was on the floor next to the wall, his glasses not six inches from him. We burst out into laughter as we collected ourselves. We got some candels and matches just in case the power goes out again and go back to me in Dan's lap and Phil next to us, watching the telly.

(jesus, that took forever. i'm sorry. but guess what? the soccer season is over and i don't have anywhere to go after school, so chapters won't take so long to post! i love you!


bad luck // dan howellWhere stories live. Discover now