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"Ari! You're back! Finally!" Trinity said, hugging me as I entered work. Trinity had ivory skin and originally had ebony brown hair, but she dyed it red. She was my closest friend at work.

"Yeah, I was gone for such a long time! I kinda started to miss work, weird huh?" I said back to her as I grabbed my name pin.

"Hey Addie!" Trinity said, waving. She was always a nice person. I turned away and scowled to the locker that held my purse while I worked. It's not that I hated Addison, we just never got along or became friends. We were nice to each other, said our hello's and goodbye's but usually nothing else. We were just acquaintances, we just didn't really like each other. Maybe it was the way she talked or the way she was never discrete by having her boobs hanging out or how she was a slut, I don't know.

"Hello Trinity, babe." Addie's high, squeaky voice said to Trinity, I turned around and we flashed each other smiles and Addie hugged Trinity. They were great friends, Trinity was friends with everyone.

The time seemed to fly when I was at work, me and Trinity always talked and I organized clothes, I just liked working at Hollister, even though it was not well lit inside.

I was just about to go on lunch break, and I heard, "Phoenix!" My nickname that Dan had gave me, when I turned around I saw the one and only Dan coming towards me, arms open. He grabbed me and I wrapped my arms around him, too and buried my head in his neck.

"I miss seeing you all the time, and its only been a day." Dan said when he let go of me.

"Yeah, same here. How are you and Phil without my humble presence around you all day?" I asked.

"Bored, but then we were playing xbox and it got better." Dan told me, "Oh and I brought you your shit." He said handing me a bag.

"Thanks." I said sarcastically and Dan rolled his eyes. Addison was walking around picking up things people had carelessly dropped on the floor. She was bent over and I noticed Dan looking. Jealousy boiled in my veins. It's Addie for god's sake. Addie noticed and smirked at me.

I had the urge to slap Dan for doing that, but I didn't.

"Dan." I said annoyedly, but Dan didn't notice my tone.

"Yeah?" He said back to me.

"Come sit with me behind the counter, I'm on break." I told him.

"I won't get you in trouble will I?" Dan asked.

"No, it's fine." I said back. I grabbed his hand and led him behind the counter. His touch still had an effect on me, even if I was the one that touched him.

"I need a name tag, I'm going to work here for a day. There's only like 3 hours till you can leave. So," Dan said, turning around searching for a name tag. Luckily, one of my co-workers, Luke, got sick today. He must've not put his pin up because Dan found it and pinned it onto his galaxy jumper. "There. I am Luke- what's his last name?"


"Luke Jacobson." Dan said, standing the way a hero would once he saved the city. I started laughing.

"Aren't I funny?" Dan said.

"Yes you are, Luke Jacobson!" I said back to him.

We spent the rest of my hours laughing and organizing clothes. Even though Dan and Addie kept looking at each other, their eyes lingering on each other's bodies, and my jealousy levels where sky high, I had fun. Me and Dan just fooled around all day.

"Dan, my hours are over for the day, come on." I said to Dan as I walked over to him. I took off the name tag Dan was wearing, then I took off mine, setting them under the counter. We both walked back to the room where I put my bag and I got it. Addie came in there, too, and did the same.

bad luck // dan howellHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin