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My eyes fluttered open and the sunlight from the window hurt my eyes. I turned back over and faced Dan. He was still asleep, snoring lightly. His hair was a mess. His fringe was going opposite of the way he went to bed with it. Our legs were tangled together.

I pulled my legs away from Dan's, pulled his arm off of my waist, and rolled out from the center of the bed to the side. I instantly became colder once I wasn't close to Dan, he was obviously giving off the most heat out of the two of us. But I didn't want to be wrapped up like that with him when he woke up, I didn't know how he'd act.

I tried to go back to sleep but I couldn't. I grabbed my phone off the table next to the bed and checked the time, 9:34. I decided to get up and get ready since I didn't know what to do.

I got up out of the bed quietly and slowly, not wanting to the disturb the sleeping Dan right next to me. I grabbed my bag and walked into Dan's bathroom and began to change clothes.

I wore a horizontal striped crop top, some black skinny jeans ripped at the knees from my rebellious years, and Vans. I put on some makeup. Foundation, eyeshadow, eye liner, mascara. I brushed my teeth and went out of the bathroom and into Dan's bedroom, setting my bag on the floor next to his bed and checking the time again, 9:46.

Dan was still asleep. He had taken the pillow I slept on and wrapped his arms around it. I smiled at how he was such a cuddly person.

I walked out of Dan's room and into the hallway. I peeped into Phil's room, and sadly he was still asleep. I silently cursed to myself as I wished someone would be up so I could talk to them. I went into the kitchen and grabbed a bowl of cereal, since Dan showed me where the things were in the kitchen. I sat down on the small sofa with my cereal and went through the channels on the telly, trying to find something to watch, but had no success. I settled on watching a cooking show, as it was the most interesting thing on.

After I watched about 3 episodes of the ridiculous cooking shows, I decided to go out, as Dan and Phil weren't waking up soon. I grabbed my purse, which had my billfold, extra makeup, my phone, and the other necessities that I might need during the day. I found a pen and paper and wrote, I went out, I'll be back soon! x, and set it on the counter. I grabbed my jacket from off the floor, slung it around me, and set off into London.


It had been an eventful day. I rode the tube, since it was so close to Dan and Phil's apartment, to the center of London and with the 18£ I had left, I bought some random things. I got a new shirt, a cute pair of shoes, a necklace from a little stand off the street, and a stringy bracelet for Dan. Across the bracelet it said, 2Fab4U, which I knew Dan would love.

I had 2 bags in my hand and my purse slung over my shoulder as I walked into Dan and Phil's apartment. I set my bags and purse down on the counter and looked up to see a worried Dan and Phil.

"Hey guys, what's going on?" I said to them.

"Jesus, where were you Arizona? I didn't know where you went, you scared me." Dan said to me.

"I left a note-" I said while pointing to the counter next to the stove, but was cut off by Dan.

"You were gone. I thought you had left and went somewhere else. I woke up and you were gone. And I never even thought about ever giving you my number. I don't know why it never crossed my mind. But I freaked out because you were gone and I couldn't call you. I thought you left for real." Dan said. He looked into my confused eyes and hugged me tightly.

While Dan was hugging me, I spoke, "Dan, I went out and bought stuff.

"But you didn't say anything and I thought you had walked out." He told me.

bad luck // dan howellOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora