Miriam College High School

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The setting: A bathroom in Miriam College High School

In attendance: Four classmates, more or less

The tale: After their classes ended late, three friends went to the bathroom together. When three of them had emerged from the cubicles, another classmate entered the bathroom and greeted them. As the fourth girl was in the cubicle, the three decided to play a prank on her. They locked the bathroom and stood outside. In a moment they felt the doorknob rattle, and heard their classmate knocking and asking to be let out. They laughed and teased her as she begged them to open the door. When she started crying and howling at them to unlock the door, the three felt guilty and gave in. They opened the door to find no one in the bathroom. Again and again they called their friend's name, but no one responded. Spooked, the three ran to the lanai. They found the fourth girl there, who was surprised when they demanded to know where she had gone. “Kanina pa ako dito,” she said. She hadn't gone to the bathroom at all.

Take note: Bathrooms seem to be an especially prominent setting in ghost stories from all-girls schools. Often, these are haunted by nuns, creepy cubicle occupants, delinquent reflections and–in another story from this school–a ghostly head in the toilet.

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