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Hi. I just wanted to share one of our school's 'creepy' stories.

This happened before the summer vacation way back in freshman year (1st year). Our building is called the ESEP building (it is only composed of two classrooms and a storage room between the two rooms). We stayed at the ESEP-2 room since we are part of the science-oriented class. We didn't know if there are any unusual things happening in our room until one day, we heard the news about the creepy thing which happened in our classroom. The committee on discipline teacher told us that when they were roaming around the campus (checking if there were unlocked doors, ceiling fans and lights w/c remained open) they saw that the chairs in our room were not arranged properly. Some of the chairs were placed above other chairs. The room was very messy, as if it was hit by a typhoon or something. They inferred that maybe, someone did it. Maybe someone had an outrage and managed to destroy the properties inside the room. Well the funny thing is, the two doors were locked. Some of the windows may be broken but it is quite impossible for someone to get inside just by using the broken window. That's when we asked our adviser...

She refused to tell us the history of our room but she told us not to go the storage room, or even go near it.

Our storage room which was beside our room (the esep-1, storage and esep-2 rooms were interconnected so it's easy to go from one room  to another) was a mess. Full of debris, cobwebs and other not-so-pleasing-to-the-eyes stuffs. We managed to clean the whole room because we wanted to stay there during vacant hours. We wondered what was hidden behind the door inside the storage room but we did not bother to look and find out.

One of our classmates' sister shared a story to us. She told us that the storage room was a haunted place. During their time, they were also the occupants of our room and they heard some freaky noises inside that room. The chairs inside the room daw were like dragged from one place to another, the room's door suddenly shuts but there's no one inside. She even managed to say that we were lucky that the thing that lived inside that room did not bother us.

Which was not true.

Because during the signing of clearance, we were (only 10 of us or more) the only students inside our room. We were chit-chatting, sharing some stories, laughing, listening to songs, etc, when the storage room's door suddenly shut and we heard that the metal chairs were dragged and that created a lot of noise. We looked at each other and after a second or two, we panicked and ran outside. As if the thing which was residing inside that storage room was telling us to shut up and not to be too loud. Until now, we never came back inside that room.

Our school also has other creepy stories like, the school guard who was killed by a snatcher trying to get inside the school in which the body was dragged to the swimming pool of our school was seen playing in the backetball court. Some also say that they heard some creepy murmurs, noises in some of the school's haunted/oldest buildings (e.g. Glory building and Villanueve Building)
Sent from my Nokia phone

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