St. Scholastica, Manila (Story #3)

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My cousin used to study at St. Scho., Manila when she was a former High School student and during those years she had experienced a number of paranormal experiences within the school. She can even justify that ghost stories being told about the premises are true.

It so happens that one night, me, my cousin and her younger brother were up for telling these horror stories and we asked her if there were anymore encounters when she was at St. Scho. What she told us was an experience by a classmate, Carole (not her real name), when the class was taking lessons at the computer lab.

Carole would always experience an excruciating headache inside the room to the point that she always has to skip computer classes just to go to the clinic and, at times, she wouldn't dare take computer classes at all even before entering the room. This continued till the batch had graduated from school that Carole only spoke up the truth. You see, this Carole can see the paranormal and you might say she has the "Third eye" and according to her, the reason why her head had been aching at the computer lab was that there was a hanged lady just above where she was sitting and that her feet was thumping against her forehead as she goes back and forth. Sometimes, putrid liquid comes spilling down and when Carole does look up, the disfigured view of the hanged person was looking down at her.

Why doesn't she move seat then? Well, they told her the same thing but she said that even when she moves seats, the hanging figure would continue to follow her around the computer lab.

Sent by: JamieMarieBianca

Philippine Universities and Colleges Ghost Stories  {SOON TO BE PUBLISHED}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon