ApecSchools Tondo

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I asked 3 of my closest friends to accompany me to the 1st floor because I will refill my water bottle and the water station is located there. After refilling I felt the sudden urge to pee and luckily the comfort room is not that far. I went inside and found out that the switch is broken so I told them to go inside and wait for me because I was a little bit scared, 2 of them entered and the other 1 chose to remain outside to guard the door. I asked my classmate, let's name her Jena, to hold my bottle while waiting and they didn't close the door completely for the room not to be pitch black. I went inside the middle cubicle and peed. A few moments later I heared them whispering and felt them going out. I thought, "Nanloloko nanaman sila,". When I was done, I was putting my pants up and felt water drop from above since the cubicles have spaces above. I said "Wag nga kayong mambasa," out loud. When I went out I saw one of them hiding beside the wall. -Skip the chitchat-When we were inside the room I asked them if they are the ones who did it. They immediately disagreed and they told me that they went outside and my classmate who went outside stayed there. I was like "Who the heck did that?!,"

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