I walked down the stairs to meet him, the other soldiers began to line up. I noticed we were back in his London mansion, and it was almost sunset here. I sighed, stood in front of Paul, ready to be scolded.

He looked at me for a second, before sighing and nodding at me to listen, "Okay, so you'll be with me the whole time, I'm in the central team. Don't mess this up."

   I was a little shocked, but either way nodded with a smile. "Yes, sir!" And moved to join the rest of the soldiers.

  "Oh and Wild!" He called out, I turned.

"Don't get yourself killed." He chuckled, and I nodded and ran toward my group.

   We ended up taking a bus to where Paul was informed Harry was, since they had moved the fight from the mansion to another place. The whole time in the bus, Paul kept telling me his plan. He really did believe with me in his team they'd be able to get somewhere, he claimed he had seen me fight and he had never seen a more resilient soldier before. Which is why when he was told there was a woman hiding in the storage room of the Jet he knew it was me, and he had decided he had no choice but to let me stay.

   As the darkness approached us, we got closer and closer to a different place. It was another huge mansion, just like Harry's and although we were just looking at the back entrance I could tell it was more luxurious.

   "Alright, I need you all to be very careful. You know what to do."

  And then it began.

We exited the bus quickly, and broke through the doors even faster. But as we had suspected before, they were already expecting us to arrive, so as soon as we crossed the gate men from the opposing side came out from their hiding place, all armed.

  It only took a millisecond, in which we all grabbed and loaded our weapons before the firing started. I was like a woman possessed, the speed in which I fired my machine gun defined why my last name was Wild. As the men dropped ahead of me I moved forward, ahead of my team.

"Katerina! I changed my mind! I want you to go inside and try to find Harry, we'll keep them busy!" I heard Paul yell through the chaos, and I nodded, while grabbing a handgun from my belt.

  I began firing both forward and backwards as I moved closer to the inside, and before I knew it, someone had knocked my machine gun down. I don't know how, but the minute my gun was down my hand was on my knife, and in some guy's carotid artery.

Grabbing my gun, I ran inside, killing whoever stepped in my way. I aimed for the head and the heart always, and just heard the bodies thud to the floor as I ran by.

   Now, if I was a psychotic killer and had prisoners, where would I keep them? The chambers. A little page off of Harry's book.

I was in the clear by the time I had reached one of the hallways, but I could hear more men begin to approach. I knew the chambers were kept in the basement, I just had no idea where the one for this house was. I checked every room, and when I was about to reach a new corner I noticed around 8 soldier right across, standing in front of a door. This had to be it.

  My guns were out of ammo, and I knew I had to make as less noise as possible. I couldn't let anything go wrong.

   I shut my eyes, took a deep breath, and ran out from the corner.

They immediately noticed me, but my knife was inside someone's chest before he could grab his gun, my foot in someone's mouth. I felt the bullet before I heard it, it barely grazed my left cheek, and the attacker was on the floor before he could breathe. My cheek burned, and so did my leg, so far I had dodged all the bullets, four men on the floor.

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