Chapter 13 Part 2 - Make or Break?

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A/N: Trigger warning - just letting you know that this chapter contains suicide...


Jess’ P.O.V

How the hell am I supposed to tell Harry that Niall will be here in a few hours? He didn’t want me to even ring Niall let alone have him here with us.  

“Uhh..Haz,” I call out. I needed to tell him anyway; if only I knew details on Niall’s arrival...

“Yeah?” he calls back.

“I- I think Niall’s coming up here,” I stutter nervously. This is not what I wanted at all.

“Up here as in here?” Harry appears at the door.


“Right,” he sighs, “Of course he is.”

“I know this holiday was meant for us but Niall says that he knows what he’s doing, and I trust him.”

“You trust him?” he looked disgusted and insulted.

“Well...yeah,” I look down to the carpeted floor losing eye contact with Harry’s glare.

“He will just do it again.”

“You don’t know that for sure,”

I don’t know why I’m standing up for a guy that just cheated on me, but for some reason I believe I know that Niall actually does care about me. I’m not one hundred percent certain, who would be? But I have faith in him…

“I can’t believe he gets away with it just like that,” he looks at the wall and I thought that he was going to punch it.

“I’m a forgiving person Harry. If I made a mistake like that I’d want him to forgive me too,”

“You would never do that though, you’re better than that.”

“But Niall has done a really good job at being the guy that he is now. I mean even after our constant fights and disagreements we always seemed to have gotten back together and he never went to another woman.”

“You two shouldn’t be fighting in the first place.”

“Everyone fights...”

“Not constantly,” Harry looks back over to me.

“It’s not constantly,” I argue.  

“Jess listen to me,” he holds onto my shoulders and makes me look him in the eyes, “You and Niall do not belong together. You can’t last a month without fighting, or probably not even two weeks. I think Niall coming up here is a terrible idea, because you might...lose the friendship you have with him.”

“Niall and I can’t even be friends, that’s not how we work,” I shake my head and try to look down, but Harry’s frame comes closer, inches away - which is way too close for me; even for a friend like Harry. I can feel his hot breath on my lips, and he’s looking into my eyes so deeply it’s as if he’s looking for my soul.

“Niall doesn’t deserve you Jess. You deserve a guy that would do anything for you, who has always been there to pick you up when you’re down. Someone with charmingly good looks and someone who would do anything just to make sure you’re happy.”

“Like who?” I ask,

Harry sighs, “Don’t worry about it.” He puts his arms back down to his sides and leaves the room.

“Harry what are you talking about?” I go out and join him on the couch, crossing my legs and facing him. His body is slouched as he scrolls through his phone.

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