Chapter 6 Part 1 - Just Another 'Average' Day...

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Bri's P.O.V

I know what I said before about me having to go to work to pursue a career etc but there's one thing that I absolutely hate about this job. My boss. Don't get me wrong, I respect the man; it's just that he knows how to get onto my last nerve...and my tolerance is quite high.

"Ms Mayfield! My office, now." He yells yet again. I sigh and walk in.

"I've seen your work. It's disgraceful. It needs to be redone and you can't have your break until then!" He throws the paperwork back in my face.

"Yes Craig," I sigh and pick up the paperwork. I get this everyday. It makes me feel awful, but I tolerate it. He's my ticket to a I have no choice.

After forty five minutes I finally fixed up the errors; hopefully it's now to Craig's standards. I'm half an hour late already. I walk up to Craig's office and knock lightly on the door.

"Come in," I hear his voice call out. I open the door and walk in with a smile on my face. I hand him the work that I edited.

"Hm," I get a nod of approval, "It definitely looks less shit than it did,"

"Excuse me?" I hear a familiar voice behind me. I turn around. It was who I thought it was.

"Liam Payne, member of One Direction," Craig says, "my daughter is a big fan of yours."

"Thanks," Liam takes off his sunglasses and nods, keeping a serious face, "what did you say about my girlfriend's work?" Oh my god. He called me his girlfriend. Is this even real?!

"Brianna is your girlfriend?" Craig gestures toward me.

"That's right," I quickly nod. I look up at Liam and we exchange smiles.

"I am sure that Brianna's work is perfect," Liam sits down next to me and briskly brushes his hand over mine.

"It has improved," Craig flatly says back,

"Well we had plans to go out for lunch thirty minutes ago, and because of this little 'error' I've had to come in here,"

I whisper to Liam, "what are you doing?"

"Trying to get you out of here," he whispers back and smiles.

"Well I'm sorry to disappoint you Liam," Craig doesn't take his eyes off his computer.

"That wasn't very sincere," Liam crosses his arms. He had hot as biceps. He even flexed a little with his arms crossed. Could he seriously be any hotter?!

Craig then twisted in his chair and faces Liam, "I'm sorry Mr. Payne, but I am her boss and I outrank her."

"Once again, not very sincere," Liam stands up this time, towering over Craig.

"Before you leave sign this for my daughter," he passes a piece of paper across the table.

"I will if you let Bri off for the rest of the day," Liam says.

"What?" I exclaim,

"Sure, she's done what she needed to do," Craig immediately responds. I stand there gobsmacked. He has never left me out early, ever.

"I'll put a personal note on there too if Bri gets the rest of the week off," Liam adds.

Craig thinks for a bit, "that's five days off...but for my daughter's happiness; sure," he shrugs. I could not believe what I was witnessing.

"Her name is Stephanie," he looks over to Liam writing on the piece of paper. Liam writes on it and even adds a few x's.

"There you go," Liam passes the sheet back to Craig, "you will see Brianna soon," and with that, Liam puts his sunglasses back on, grabs my hand and leaves.

"What did you do that for?" I giggle shyly,

"I came all this way to see you, and I think Niall and Jess deserve some time to themselves. You're not spending this whole week at work," he smiles.

"And about before, the whole 'girlfriend' thing..." I ask,

"It's not too sudden is it? I thought it would have made my request slightly more convincing," Liam pulls his hair back.

"No, it's okay," I answer.

"Will you be my girlfriend Bri?" Liam stops and looks me in the eyes, "I'm sorry it came so suddenly before and it was unexpected but I-"

I lightly kiss him on the lips, just a little peck.

"Of course I will be your girlfriend Liam," I smile.

"It's not too sudden is it?" Liam enquires,

"I don't think so," I shrug,

Liam sighs in relief, "I've been wanting to ask you that for a long time; and Jess kept pushing the subject," he laughs.

"She's like that," I laugh, "how about we go out to Noodle Box and then head home?"

"Sure," Liam smiles.

"Bri!" I hear a voice call my name, and a police officer walking towards me.

"Hello Officer?" I smile,

"I know you've been up to no good," the officer shakes his head, "I just got off the phone to a friend of yours, she's been up to no good either."

"What's this about?" Liam buts in,

The officer takes off his hat and sunglasses, and to my relief, it was only Darcy.

"I'm a pretty intimidating cop," Darcy laughs,

"Liam, this is Darcy, Jess' friend," I introduce them to each other, and they shake hands.

"More like Jess' brother," Darcy laughs, "have you talked to her recently?"

I shake my head, "I haven't talked to her all day,"

"Oh so you don't know," Darcy looks into his bag, "well if you think she needs them give this to her." he passes me something I never thought I would be touching.

"Use them on her when necessary," Darcy smiles.

"She will kill you if we do that," Liam says.

"She wouldn't even think about killing me," Darcy laughs, "anyway I best be off," he puts his hat and sunnies back on, "gotta fight some crime as they say."

"Okay," I laugh, "talk later."

"Oh," Darcy stops and turns back around, "If Jess wants to talk to me; I suggest you don't tell her that I'm actually going to Sydney this afternoon. Work has decided to only give me the next few days off."

"No problem," I wave as Darcy walks off in the other direction.

"We better just get home," Liam says, "we'll go out for dinner together."

"Alright," I nod, "but we'll have to come up with a cover story,"

"I have an idea," Liam smiles, "let's just get home."


A/N: Yes there are two parts to this chapter, both parts are happening at the same time just in case you were curious to why we've done this. If you're lucky I'll post the second part tomorrow, if not, you might have to wait a little while ahah.. I wonder what Darcy gave Brianna? You'll find out soon...not next chapter, but soon ;)

MissIronik xx

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